Nodejs CRUD Download nodejs exe
Please refer the given images step-1 and step-2
i. Install nodejs on your PC => set nodejs configuration as per documentation
ii. Install nodemon on your PC
iii.Install CMD : C:\project full path\npm install express,cookie-parser,body-parser,angular-file-upload,multer,mysql, fs => whatever you need you can install using this cmd.
iv. Import nodejs.sql on your phpmyadmin
v.C:\project full path\node server.js [OR] C:\project full path\nodemon server.js => Nodemon is very useful for developer bcoz don't need to run every time. It will excute every updates -:)
vi. Run Your Application through this URL : http://localhost:8081/signup
Note : The port (8081) has been set in your SERVER.JS so you can change it however you want.