This repository contains a custom version of the NuttX kernel for the ESP32 microcontroller, with custom edits to add LoRa support. The kernel is designed to be used as a ground receiving station for radio communication with a CanSat.
To get started, you will need to clone this repository to your local machine in an empty directory:
mkdir groundstation-nx
cd groundstation-nx
git clone nuttx
Once you have cloned the repository, you can build the kernel using the ESP toolchain for Nuttx.
cd nuttx
Finally, build the kernel using the make command:
$ make menuconfig # Configure NuttX with the desired options
$ make -j8 # Build the kernel
This custom version of the NuttX kernel for the ESP32 includes the following features:
LoRa support via the RFM9x transceiver
Support for CanSat radio communication protocol