ScoreboardAPI is a simple library plugin for PowerNukkit/Nukkit Minecraft Bedrock core, that will help you to create your custom scoreboards with ease.
Scoreboard scoreboard = new Scoreboard("Test Scoreboard", DisplaySlot.SIDEBAR, 20);
// Update time in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) or skip this option to disable automatic updates
scoreboard.setHandler(pl -> {
scoreboard.addLine("§1"); // used for skip line
scoreboard.addLine("random: " + Math.random());
scoreboard.addLine("random: " + Math.random());
scoreboard.addLine("random: " + Math.random());
scoreboard.addLine("random: " + Math.random());
scoreboard.addLine("random: " + Math.random());
scoreboard.addLine("§2"); // used for skip line
scoreboard.addLine("Online: " + Server.getInstance().getOnlinePlayers().size());