- WM / Compositor - Hyprland
- Wallpapers - Hyprpaper
- Lockscreen - Hyprlock
- Notifications - Dunst
- App Launcher - Rofi
- File Manager - Yazi
- Terminal - kitty
- Bar - Waybar
This is my personal setup. If something does not function as expected, please review the error and attempt to resolve the issue yourself. However, you can still contact me if needed.
git clone https://github.com/IamJomm/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles
cp -r config/* ~/.config/
yay -S $(cat pkgs.txt)
Chafa is required for Yazi in order to generate ANSI/Unicode character art from an image and display it in the terminal, particularly when the terminal does not support image rendering.
- Refine every detail to achieve perfection
- Idk