TRUSTHUB Presentation:
Implements RO using structural modelling.
Allows users to specify the number of elements in RO Path. Change RO_ChainLength in VHDL File.
Allows user to control the placement of RO in any part of FPGA using UCF File.
(For even greater control over placement.. see Lab 1 document)
|--RO_GENIE.vhd (Main VHDL file describing RO)
|--RO_GENIE.ucf (UCF File to control placement of the RO)
Implements DES using mostly structural modelling.
This core is completely parallel.
New data can be pushed to the system every clock cycle.
Latency = 19 Cycles
|--Implementation Files (along with txt_util.vhd used by testbenches)
|--DES_TOP_FILE.vhd: Top VHDL model describing DES
|--test_vectors (folder)
|--DES_test_vectors.txt: Test vectors to test faults for different sub-blocks of DES
|--DES_TV_Triplets_NBS.txt: This file is used by the testbench.
Testbenches currently cannot any comments in the file.
|--test_benches (folder)
Import all the files in src. Change Testbench files association to Simulation only in Hierarchy Window