use ov7725 camera to get pixals of right position on the surface of magiccube, which will be transfered into 3 bits color encoding through hsv encoding.
6 surfaces of magiccube * 9 squares * 3 bits color encoding.
Xilinx FPGA EGO1 xc7a35tcsg324
- finish image2magicalhsv.v
- finish fangdou.v and button2face.v, but they are buggy
- image2magicalhsv.v is also buggy
- finish div_rill_clk.v and rgb2hsv.v, they work well
- the top file should be modified into sequential logic design
- Architecture is ready
- finish image_in_sram.v
- finish image_out_sramdetect.v
- link rgb2hsv_clk module to the top state machine
- finish hsv2color_coding.v
- finish magic_side_data_set.v
- this project is synthesized and implemented, but not tested.
- declare GPLv2.0 licence
- update outline
- all tested except camera
- camera module works well, thank xilinx's official code
- vga output module works well, thank tongtong
- cam_ov7670_ov7725 module can work when image is 600 * 800
- image_out_sramdetect module's rgb565 is the average value of four pixels
- hsv2color_coding module adopts minimum distance algorithm
- in order to reduce the influence of pepper noise and gaussian noise, add median filter module and mean filter module
- new branch for filter modules
- vga module can show images from bram and sram
- filter modules are finished and tested.
- debug kill me one day
- merge denoise to master
- debug...
- accuary:98%