Welcome to StarRunner Token staking! This decentralized application allows you to interact with the StarRunner Token smart contract, using a seamless and user-friendly interface for managing your tokens. This DApp enables users to connect their wallets, stake StarRunner tokens, withdraw staked balances, and claim rewards. This application was built with TypeScript, Sass, React and Vite.
Token for staking you can get here https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x59Ec26901B19fDE7a96f6f7f328f12d8f682CB83#writeContract.
Connect your wallet to scanner and use method "mint".
Press button "write" and confirm transaction in your wallet.
After that, you will get 1000 stru to your wallet.
Visit the StarRunner Staking website https://dexola-camp-dapp.vercel.app.
Click "Connect Wallet" button.
Select your preferred wallet and follow the on-screen instructions to connect your wallet.
Ensure your wallet is connected.
Enter amount of StarRunner tokens you want to stake in the provided input field.
Click "Stake" button to initiate the staking process.
Confirm transaction in your wallet.
Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, your tokens will be staked, and you will start earning rewards.
Ensure your wallet is connected.
Enter amount of staked StarRunner tokens you want to withdraw in the provided input field.
Click "Withdraw" button.
Confirm transaction in your wallet.
Ensure your wallet is connected.
Click "Claim Rewards" button.
Confirm transaction in your wallet.
cd dexola-camp_dapp
npm install
npm run dev