Sample Ethereum Dapp to create your classifieds on Ethereum.
This Dapp is linked to the course available on Udemy:
Follow the steps described below to install, deploy and run the Dapp.
Make sure you don't run tests on Ethereum's main net otherwise you will use real ether with no chance to get them back
To build, deploy and test your Dapp locally, you need to install the following tools and frameworks:
node.js and npm:
- Node.js can be installed using an installation package or through some package managers like Homebrew on a Mac.
- Create and deploy your Dapp with this build framework for Ethereum.
- Simulates an Ethereum node.
- Transforms Chrome into a Dapp browser
git clone
$ cd chainlist
$ npm install
Start testrpc with a set of predefined accounts and an initial balance:
$ ./
The first account will be the coinbase, the account that will deploy the contracts.
If you didn't use the
script and started your own private chain instead, you should edit the truffle.js
file and set the port number according to your Ethereum node.
$ truffle migrate --reset
You will have to migrate (deploy) your smart contract each time your restart testrpc.
Unlock the Metamask extension in Chrome, and switch it to the network "Localhost 8545".
Import accounts defined in your testrpc Ethereum node.
If you used
, here are the 3 private keys defined in the script:
- 0x351494a5ae8f9b70a2a2fd482146ab4578f61d4d796685c597ec6683635a940e
- 0x4cd491f96e6623edb52719a8d4d1110a87d8d83e3fa86f8e14007cb3831c0a2b
- 0x0ef40e0d6ada046010b6965d73603cabae1a119ca804f5d9e9a9ce866b0bea7d
In Metamask, rename these accounts respectively:
- testrpc-coinbase
- testrpc-account1
- testrpc-account2
$ npm run dev
In your browser, open the following URL: http://localhost:3000
When you switch accounts or networks in Metamask, you have to refresh your page to let your frontend application know about it.
You can sell and buy articles using accounts imported in Metamask.
Metamask will ask you to confirm the transaction before selling or buying articles.
From your console window, you can use the Truffle console to inspect the status of your contract.
Here are a few examples:
$ truffle console truffle(development)>
truffle(development)> ChainList.deployed().then(function(instance) {app = instance; })
From now on, you can use the app
variable to interact with your smart contract.
truffle(development)> web3.eth.accounts
[ '0x00d1ae0a6fc13b9ecdefa118b94cf95ac16d4ab0', '0x1daa654cfbc28f375e0f08f329de219fff50c765', '0xc2dbc0a6b68d6148d80273ce4d6667477dbf2aa7' ]
truffle(development)> web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[1]), "ether").toNumber()
truffle(development)> web3.fromWei(web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[2]), "ether").toNumber()
truffle(development)> var sellEvent = app.sellArticleEvent({}, {fromBlock: 0,toBlock: 'latest'}).watch(function(error, event) {console.log(event);})
truffle(development)> var buyEvent = app.buyArticleEvent({}, {fromBlock: 0,toBlock: 'latest'}).watch(function(error, event) {console.log(event);})
truffle(development)> app.getArticlesForSale()
truffle(development)> app.sellArticle("Article 1", "Description for Article 1", web3.toWei(10, "ether"), {from: web3.eth.accounts[1]})
truffle(development)> app.getNumberOfArticles()
truffle(development)> app.articles(1)
truffle(development)> app.buyArticle(1, {from: web3.eth.accounts[2], value: web3.toWei(10, "ether")})
Only required if you want to "kill" your smart contract. This function is only allowed to the contract owner.
truffle(development)> app.kill({from: web3.eth.accounts[0]})
- Is Metamask slow ? try to disable and enable the extension. This happens sometimes, especially when we work with a private chain.
- When you switch accounts in Metamask, don't forget to refresh the page to make sure you get the current account set in Metamask.
- When you restart your local node, Metamask caches the old contract and its data. You have to switch Metamask network to any other network then back to the local node to see changes.
If you want to know more about all the steps required to install, build and deploy a Dapp, you can subscribe to our course available on Udemy:
Have fun !!!
ChainSkills Team - 2017