The PinScribe library provides an easy and flexible way to manage and interact with GPIO pins on an Arduino. It supports various features such as pin state management, debouncing, and handling input events like button presses, double presses, long presses, and more. The library also allows for saving and restoring pin states, making it useful for persistent pin configurations.
- Pin Management: Set, get, toggle, and blink digital pins, as well as read/write analog values.
- Debouncing: Handles input noise and ensures stable button press readings.
- Event Handling: Attach callbacks to pin events such as button presses, releases, double presses, and long presses.
- State Preservation: Save and restore pin states to maintain configurations across resets.
- Supports Multiple Pin Types: Works with both digital and analog pins.
- Download the
library as a ZIP file. - In the Arduino IDE, navigate to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library.
- Select the downloaded ZIP file to add the library to your Arduino IDE.
- Once installed, you can include the library in your projects like this:
#include <PinScribe.h>
#include <PinScribe.h>
PinScribe pinScribe;
void setup() {
pinScribe.add(13, "output"); // Set pin 13 as an output pin
pinScribe.add(2, "input"); // Set pin 2 as an input pin with pull-up resistor
void loop() {
pinScribe.set(13, HIGH); // Set pin 13 high (turn on an LED)
pinScribe.set(13, LOW); // Set pin 13 low (turn off LED)
#include <PinScribe.h>
PinScribe pinScribe;
void setup() {
pinScribe.add(2, "input"); // Set pin 2 as an input pin for the button
pinScribe.add(13, "output"); // Set pin 13 as an output for LED
// Setup button press event
pinScribe.onPress(2, []() {
Serial.println("Button Pressed");
pinScribe.set(13, HIGH); // Turn on LED
// Setup button release event
pinScribe.onRelease(2, []() {
Serial.println("Button Released");
pinScribe.set(13, LOW); // Turn off LED
void loop() {
// Handle other code here
#include <PinScribe.h>
PinScribe pinScribe;
void setup() {
pinScribe.add(2, "input"); // Set pin 2 as an input for button
pinScribe.add(13, "output"); // Set pin 13 as an output for LED
// Trigger callback on long press
pinScribe.onLongPress(2, []() {
Serial.println("Long Press Detected");
pinScribe.set(13, HIGH); // Turn on LED after long press
void loop() {
// Continuously check long press
#include <PinScribe.h>
PinScribe pinScribe;
void setup() {
pinScribe.add(2, "input"); // Set pin 2 as an input for the button
pinScribe.add(13, "output"); // Set pin 13 as an output for LED
// Setup double press event
pinScribe.onDoublePress(2, []() {
Serial.println("Double Press Detected");
pinScribe.set(13, HIGH); // Turn on LED on double press
void loop() {
// Continuously check for double press
- pin: The pin number (0-15).
- type: The type of pin. Options are
(with pull-up) or"output"
- pin: The pin number.
- state: The state of the pin (
- pin: The pin number.
- returns: The current state of the pin (
- Toggles the current state of the pin (from
, or vice versa).
- pin: The pin number.
- onTime: Duration in milliseconds for the pin to stay
. - offTime: Duration in milliseconds for the pin to stay
- pin: The pin number.
- interval: Debounce interval in milliseconds.
- returns: The stable pin state (
- pin: The pin number.
- callback: The function to be called when the button is pressed.
- pin: The pin number.
- callback: The function to be called when the button is released.
- pin: The pin number.
- callback: The function to be called on a double press.
- timeout: Time window (in milliseconds) within which the double press must occur (default: 500ms).
- pin: The pin number.
- callback: The function to be called when the button is held for a long press.
- duration: Duration (in milliseconds) for the long press (default: 3000ms).
- pin: The pin number.
- Saves the current state of the pin for later restoration.
- pin: The pin number.
- Restores the pin to the previously saved state.
- This library is compatible with any Arduino board.
- Requires Arduino IDE version 1.8 or higher.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests. If you encounter any bugs or have feature requests, please open an issue.
For any questions or issues, please open an issue on GitHub. Happy coding! 🚀