Sample loading of surveyed unit
For a defined list of communes, each comumune beeing taged as 'male' or 'female' , collect the list of units (Reponses internet ménage) that answered to RP within a period. And that have at least one adult of the correct gender.
Then beeing able to collect the detailed data of a survey unit found with previous call.
The program connects to 2 databases (ODIC and HOMER) of the RP. The program takes a file to configure the targeted communes and gender
Where 12456 is the INSEE Code of the commune.
iris.femmes=12456-0001, 12456-0002
iris.femmes=12456-0003, 12456-0004
Where 12456 is the INSEE Code of the commune. and 000x is the iris code
GET /census-extraction-controller/census-respondents-by-period-and-gender
params :
- startDate : yyyy-mm-dd
- endDate : yyyy-mm-dd
- gender : MALE/FEMALE
JSON Extraction
params :
- startDate : yyyy-mm-dd
- endDate : yyyy-mm-dd
- gender : MALE/FEMALE
CSV Extraction
An adult is a person who is 18yo before 1st junary of the current year. Ex: for the 2023 test adults are persons born before 1st junary 2005
maximum 10 persons of the same sex in a SU maximum 12 children by person
We discard links found in table lienindividus where there is no mirror link ex: Parent -> Child must have a Child->Parent equivalent for the same persons
blank or empty mails are filtered Any white space in an email adresse is removed (ex aa becomes