This repo will be used for Assignment submissions for the Summer Project: Intro to Infosec 2023
Welcome to the first assignment of the IITK project, where we embark on a journey to empower beginners with a strong grasp of Linux command lines.
We are going to be practising over the wire Leviathan challenge. Try them before the next session without seeing the solution, study topics regarding them such as ssh and Linux commands. I(here, Shubh) will soon be posting the write-up for them. then solve them on your own strictly. Bcoz In your mid-term evaluation, we will give you our own CTFs whose solutions you won’t find on the internet.
So, get set, go! Happy hacking.
For assignment on web exploitaion:
Solve at least 6 diffeent methods in DVWA till medium-high difficulty & submit their writups in markdown format with attached screenshots.
Complete any 4 levels from and upload their writups.