Intralogistics demo project implemented during apprenticeship in ASTOR Poznan 2022.
✔️ - MiR REST API queries used to get data from robot and manipulate with PLC registers
✔️ - MySQL read/write data from robot, PHPMyAdmin web tool
✔️ - Window app with live camera view, current informations about robot state, buttons responsible for calling robot to particular place and battery percentage graph refreshed every 30 seconds
✔️ - QR codes recognition combined with robot manipulation (MiR moves to a point according to QR code data)
❌ - Check connection with MySQL database, ESP32CAM and MiR100 robot (to implement)
MiR 100 - cooperative mobile robot (AMR - Autonomous Mobile Robot) with a load capacity of up to 100 kg:
Desktop aplication made using PySimpleGUI:
MySQL database with Apache server and PHPMyAdmin tool:
ESP32CAM - microcontroller module with WiFi connection and camera:
Poradnik uruchomienia aplikacji w języku polskim na systemie Windows znajduje się w pliku "Poradnik - Aplikacja MiR.pdf".