More descriptions are available on the blog: Projekt GREENHOUSE 2.0 cz.1 PL
The development process is presented on live streams Playlist - live
Part list:
- BT1 Battery CR2025 3,3V
- J1 SD card socket
- Brd1 OLED screen 128x64 SSD1306
- U2 DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor
- U3 EEPROM 24C16
- U4 ESP8266 NodeMCU
- U5 RTC DS1307
- Y1 Oscillator 32,788 KHz
Parts optional (on I2C)
- MCP23017 (max 8 pcs)
- PCF8591 (max 8 pcs)
The project is prepared for the Platform IO environment. A video on how to install such an environment can be watched on this video
Formatting is done using clang-format. The description of the tool configuration is in the video.
Possible problems with build after IDE installed adafruit/RTC:
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
Compiling .pio\build\nodemcuv2\lib145\RTClib\RTClib.cpp.o
This requires removing an automatically installed library TinyWireM.
PlatformIO > Libraries > Installed > TinyWireM (remove).