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L-System 3D trees

Lab5 - A3MD @ UPC

By: Iohan Sardinha


How to run:

Open blender in the same folder as the scripts It's very important that it's opened in the same folder in order for the CFG and MeshCreator scripts to be imported properly!

$ cd location/of/scripts
$ blender

Open in blender instructions1 Change the name of the tree file in the main function to a text file with the Tree CFG format that is described bellow


Tree CFG format:

The text format describing the tree is very strict, with mostly about the number of spaces between the instructions, yet simple. The number of spaces between the tokens in the instructions must be exactly the described no to yield errors. All instructions begin with an instruction name, if it does not, it's interpreted as a comment and ignored. The instructions are the following, the brackets represent oprional fields:

Instruction Description
NODE ID [args] A token on the grammar vocabulary. Described in more detail bellow
RULE FROM [(chance)]:=TO1[|TO2] A rule in the grammar. The tokens used must have ben defined before. Described in more detail bellow
START TOKEN The start tokens of the grammar, with no space between them. Can be one or many. Must have ben defined before as a token
SEED N The random function seed, in order to produce the same tree every time
STEPS N The number of times the grammar will be processed
LEAF_COLOR R G B A Defines the color of the leafs, in RGBA.
TRUNK_COLOR R G B A Defines the color of the trunk, in RBBA

There are some predefined Tokens that should be defined if they will be used in the grammar. And optionally custom tokens can be used. Each token can have a number of args, but no all args will have effects toghether with every token. Any word added as an arg will be accepted and won't produce an error, but will not have effect. All arguments are optional.


Node Description
F Go forward
X A leaf
[ Push the stack
] Pop the stack
+ Rotatates to the positive direction in the Y axis
- Rotatates to the negative direction in the Y axis
W Rotatates to the positive direction in the X axis
S Rotatates to the negative direction in the X axis
R Rotatates to the positive direction in the Z axis
L Rotatates to the negative direction in the Z axis
Custom Can have any single character as id, and behave either as F or X


Argument Description Tokens affected Default
length The distance advanced in a step F, X, + , -, W, S, R, L, custom marked as "forward" 1
radius The radius of the trunk F 0.5
angle The angle of of rotation from the current direction +, -, W, S, R, L 25
width The width of the leaf X, custom marked as "leaf" 0.5
height The height of the leaf X, custom marked as "leaf" 0.5
variation The angle of random variation when growing a branch or between the leaves All 0
var_perc The thurshold [0,1] of the chance of a variation occuring All 0.2
density The amount of leaves on a leaf node X, custom marked as leaf 10
resolution The number of sides of each section of the trunk or leaves F, X, custom marked as "leaf" 8
reduction The amout in percentage [0,1] the trunk will shrink in radius every step F 0
leaf Defines a custom token as a leaf, if set to 1 custom -
forward Defines a custom token as a trunk, if set to 1 custom -

Rules can be defined in two ways. Deterministic or probabilistic.

  • Deterministic rules are defined by a single token followed by := and one or many tokens. Everything without spaces.
  • Probablilistic rules are defined as a single token, followed by a space, a number between 0 and 1 between parenthesis. Then without spaces := the first following token sequence and the second, separated by |. The number is the chance that the first sequence follows the token.
    F (0.5):=F|FF

Custom nodes can me used to with combination with probabilistic rules, in order to make rules that have more than two following sequences. In sacrifice of the number of steps to get to the desired tree.


NODE F length:1.5 variation:15 radius:8 reduction:0.05
NODE X density:3
NODE + angle:45
NODE - angle:45
NODE S angle:45
NODE W angle:45
NODE T leaf:1
NODE A leaf:1
NODE B leaf:1
NODE C forward:1 length:2 variation:30 density:3
NODE D forward:1 length:3 variation:30 density:3

RULE F (0.03):=FF|F
RULE C (0.01):=C[X]C|C
RULE X (0.25):=[+CT]DX|A
RULE A (0.33333):=[-CT]DX|B


Other examples can be found in examples folder

Building a grammar directly

If you wish to use the scripts directly instead of creating your CFG Tree file, here's and example that should be pasted in the main function of

# Equivalent to examples/tree 0

# Create the tokens
F  = Node("F",{"resolution":10, "reduction":0.05, "radius":5, "variation":10})
X  = Node("X", {"resolution":4, "density":10})
LB = Node("[")
RB = Node("]")
P  = Node("+",{"variation":10, "var_perc":0.5})
M  = Node("-",{"variation":10, "var_perc":0.5})
W  = Node("W",{"variation":10, "var_perc":0.5})
S  = Node("S",{"variation":10, "var_perc":0.5})

# Create the grammar
grammar = CFG([X],[F,X,LB,RB,P,M,W,S])

# Create the rules
F_rule = Rule(F,[F,F],[F,LB,M,X,RB,F],0.8)
X_rule = Rule(X,[F,LB,M,X,RB,LB,P,X,RB,LB,W,X,RB,S,X])
# Alternatively could be:
F_rule = grammar.readRule("F (0.8):=FF|F[-X]F")
X_rule = grammar.readRule("X:=F[-X][+X][WX]SX")

# Adding the rules

grammar.seed = 1 #optional
# If grammar.seed is not set

grammar.steps = 6 #optional
grammar.leaf_color = (0,0.4,0,0.5)
gramar.trunk_color = (0.8,0.1,0.1,1)

# If grammar.steps is not set:
# grammar.advance(6)


Notes on how it works

The scripts are divided into two APIs


Has all the classes and methods to create and process CFGs

Node class

Tokens in the vocabulary of the grammar

F = Node("F",{length:2})
Rule class

Rules for words

#F 0.6 -> FF
#F 0.4 -> F
r1 = Rule(F,[FF],[F],0.6)


  • next(): computes the token after a processing step, depending on the probability
CFG class

Methods The main grammar class, that stores the rules and process the tokens

grammar = CFG(start=[X], vocabulary=[X,F,LB,RB,P,M])
  • addRule(rule): Adds a rule, from the rule class, to the grammar
  • translate(word): Translate a string with token ids into a list of Node objects from the vocabulary
  • advance(n=None): Process the state of the grammar n times, if n is not defined the attribute steps of the CFG class can be set
  • state(): Returns a readable string representing the current state of the grammar
  • readRule(line): Returns a Rule object from a string in the rule format
  • loadRules(fileName): Loads the rules in a file, one in each line, into the grammar
  • loadCFG(fileName): Fills all the attributes of a grammar following the above discribed file format of CFG Tree


Has the functions to create the tree mesh and object

  • make_circle(radius=1, center=Vector((0,0,0)), subdivisions=30): Returns the vertices of a circle in projected in XY, with given radius and "subdivision" faces
  • make_leaf(dx=1,dy=1, subdivisions=10): Returns the vertices of a leaf with "dx" width, "dy" height and "subdivisions" faces
  • add_circle(c,v,vi): Adds the c list of local vertices to the v list of global vertices of a mesh and the vi dict with the vertex id to index relation
  • connect_circles(c1,c2,vi): Returns the faces that connect the circles c1 and c2 creating a cylinder. Needs vi the dict with the vertex id to index relation
  • close_circle(c, v, vi, center=None, offset=Vector((0,0,0))): Returns the faces that close the circle c with in the center. Offset is the offset from the center of the circle where the central vertex will be. Needs v the global vertices list of the mesh and vi the dict with the vertex id to index relation
  • rotate(p, r): Rotates the the p vertices r degrees, where r is a touple of X,Y,Z angles in this order
  • translate(p, t): Translates the p vertices in t where t= (X,Y,Z)
  • make_material(mesh, color): Creates and adds to mesh a material with color color
  • create_mesh(vertices,faces): Creates a mesh given it's vertices and faces


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