Project is divided into several submodules: client
, server
, common
is Qt Quick GUI
provides REST API
Communication is done via HTTP protocol using TCP sockets
files contain HTTP Message classes and utilities to parse them into and from strings
Probably the simplest way to launch the application is to do it from Qt Creator
However, if this is not an option for you, next I will show how to do it with command line
and cmake
Before we start, please add Qt bin
location (e.g. C:\Qt\5.15.1\mingw81_64\bin
) to your path
environment variable.
Otherwise, you will have to manually copy dlls to your build directory,
define environment variables in your run configuration (e.g. QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH
) and configure other nasty stuff
- cd <project root>
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -G <Generator> ..
- make
- Explorer
cmake -G
- To list all generators
If make
doesn't work for you, try cmake --build build --target Explorer
from project root
Build client
and server
using the above commands and launch them both in any order