Lecture/workshop slides and wiki for Creative Coding and Creative Computing Frameworks Unit of the Creative Computing Institute's 2022/2023 Diploma in Creative Computing.
- See the UAL moodle page for the latest course content
- Download the latest Creative Coding Cheat Sheet (updated each week)
- All term dates
- Lecturers: Irti, Nicola Plant, Tom Keene and Pauline
- Location: Creative Computing Institute, in person at the Greencoat Building.
- Contact us via the UAL Creative Computing Institute Slack.
- Weekly Unit teaching times are every Monday 09:30-13:30.
- You are expected to undertake independent study of about 25 hours per week - spread across all the courses you are taking in the Diploma.
- The Library Services Web pages aim to provide quick access to a range of relevant high quality e-resources. Benelia Salmon is the Academic Support Librarian for CCI: b.salmon@arts.ac.uk. Please contact her at the email address above if you have any questions regarding library resources or if you wish to book a one-to-one session on library information and research skills. You can find more information on CCI specific library resources in your Creative Computing Institute subject guide.
- LinkedIn Learning (formally Lynda.com) is also a great resource for learning software packages, coding or even 3D tools like Blender. You can find a link to LinkedIn Learning on https://canvas.arts.ac.uk/.
- https://wiki.cci.arts.ac.uk/ is the Wiki for all of CCI, lots of resources and tutorial there about equipment, software and content on Physical Computing, Creative Code and Digital Making.
You can find the UAL Disciplinary Code For Students here: Disciplinary Code For Students.
You can find our code of conduct here: code_of_conduct.md, it was cloned from [https://github.com/processing/p5.js/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](the p5.js code of conduct).
Golan Levin also offers a useful thought from his children's school:
When communicating, ask yourself:
- T – is it True?
- H – is it Helpful?
- I – is it Inspiring?
- N – is it Necessary?
- K – is it Kind?
The Diploma in Creative Computing is split into two blocks of teaching. Block 1 takes up the entire Autumn term and half of the Spring term. Block 2 follows on, taking the second half of Spring term and the entire Summer term.
Block 1 consists of three units:
- Unit 1: Creative Coding and Creative Computing Frameworks
- Unit 2: Introducing Computational Futures and Artificial Intelligence
- Unit 3: Creative Practice: Visual Coding and Physical Computing
Block 2 consists of three units:
- Unit 4: Creative Coding: Critical Infrastructures
- Unit 5: Working and the Digital Creative Industries
- Unit 6: Creative Practice: Computational Environments
Please read UAL's guidance for students on how they will be assessed. TLDR: you will be assessed on the following 5 assessment criteria (quoting from UAL's page - I REALLY recommend watching the video here if you haven't already):
- Enquiry
- Enquiry is about active learning and reflection. It’s how you explore, research and learn about your subject. Enquiry is central to all creative learning at UAL.
- Knowledge
- Knowledge is about gathering information and enhancing understanding. It’s how you inform your work, explore diverse cultures and connections and appreciate what you do in a wider context.
- Process
- Process is about your journey of learning. It’s how you take risks and experiment. And how you keep the creative momentum going — developing ideas from start to finish.
- Communication
- Communication is about telling the story of your learning and making. It’s how you share your learning with an audience, presenting and explaining your work to different people.
- Realisation
- Realisation is about the work you create and how this reveals what you’ve learned. It’s taking a look back and evaluating the work you’ve produced.
N.B. The Diploma is assessed to Level 5 Assessment Criteria Descriptors - see the link to the PDF at the bottom of this page.
- Code creative computing assets in relevant languages (Knowledge, Process)
- Understand the use of key frameworks for creative computing (Knowledge, Process)
- Use online tools to collaborate and support your creative computing projects (Enquiry, Communication)
At the end of Block 1 (halfway through the Spring Term) and at the end of Block 2 (at the end of the Summer Term), you will be assessed individually. The two units I teach (Unit 1 and Unit 4) are assessed in the same way, via multiple choice test and practical exam. Each part is worth 50% of the unit mark. In the multiple choice test you will be presented with a 20 questions relating explicitly to course content. You must choose between up to 4 potentially correct answers per question. You will be given 1 hour to complete the 20 multiple choice questions. In the Practical Exam you will be individually asked to write a basic program to demonstrate the application of creative coding to a set problem. You will be given 2 hours to complete the Practical Exam.
You can find the first year of the Diploma Unit 1 Multiple Choice test here and the first year of the Diploma Unit 1 Practical exam here.