This is an Basic QuizApp based on the Information provided in the Intern hiring task and JSON data fetched from API. The app first lists a set of questions which are available in the JSON data. User can tap on a single question to view it's details and attempt it.
Because of the time constraint, I was not able to implement the following features:
- Showing the correct answer after the user has attempted the question.
- Login and Signup using Google Sign In as well as Email and Password.
- List of Questions fetched from API.
- User can attempt a question and view the result.
- User can update his/her profile.
- User can share the result of the quiz with his/her friends.
- Timer for Quiz.
- Kotlin
- Retrofit
- Coroutines
- Gson library for JSON parsing
- Navigation Components
- Coil for Image Loading
- ViewBinding
- Material Design 3
- None