SUSTerm (Simple Universal Serial Terminal) is a free software and GNU-GPL licensed Serial terminal developed using QT5, and focused in be minimalist and efficiently fast and easy to use, while contains some more advanced features that can be enabled.
- Minimalist, robust, simple and fast to use.
- Friendly UI similar to Arduino Serial Monitor.
- Realtime Serial Ports recognized.
- Close a port and connect to other without exit the app.
- Bauds and End-Of-Line selectors.
- Sent commands history, navigate and recover previous sent commands with arrow keys.
- Can show Timestamp of received data (on each \n).
- Can show received data in ASCII, HEX or Both format at same time.
- Open Source and Free software.
- Download last version.
- Unzip it and place in "C:\Program File (x86)"
- Create a desktop shortcut of "C:\Program File (x86)\SUSTerm\SUSTerm.exe"
- Install required tools:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt-get install -y unzip fuse
- Download last version:
$ cd ~
$ wget
- Unzip it, give execution permission to install script and run it:
$ unzip
$ cd Linux_SUSTerm_v170
$ sudo chmod +x ./install
$ sudo ./install
- Remove unnecessary used files:
$ cd ~
$ rm -rf Linux_SUSTerm_v170*
- Add actual user to dialout group to allow open serial ports without been root and reboot system to apply:
$ sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
$ sudo reboot
- Run SUSTerm:
$ SUSTerm
- Simply remove directory "C:\Program File (x86)\SUSTerm".
- Remove Application related files:
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/SUSTerm
sudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/SUSTerm.desktop
sudo rm -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/SUSTerm.png
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To build this QT project in Linux, remeber that you need to install QSerialPort module.
- Install QT:
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential
sudo apt-get -y install qtcreator
sudo apt-get -y install qt5-default
sudo apt-get -y install qtbase5-private-dev
- Get QSerialPort module and install it:
cd ~
mkdir qtserialport-build
git clone git://
cd qtserialport
git checkout v5.11.2
cd ../qtserialport-build
qmake ../qtserialport/
sudo make install
- QT version is 5.11.2.
- The project was written in QtCreator 4.7.1.
- The implementation uses QSerialPort class to manage Serial ports.