A desktop application that returns the anti-derivative [and/or derivative] in LaTex—then plots the graph—of definite or indefinite inputs. Written in Python using Tkinter, Matplotlib, and Sympy.
- Install Python 3.6+ from the official website.
- Install the dependencies: Sympy, Tkinter, and Matplotlib by running
pip/pip3 install <dependency_name>
from the terminal. - Download/clone the repository then unzip the files.
- Find the folder containing main.py.
- Run from the terminal
python/python3 main.py
or use your IDE.
- Utilizes Sympy for symbolic calculations.
- Output is displayed in LaTex by using Tkinter's canvas and Matplotlib.
- Graphing of functions by using Symplot.
- Derivatives as an added bonus.
- Terrible menu gui due to the gridding.
- Definite integral's lower and upper bound entries are oddly placed.
- Intervals for indefinite integrals and derivatives can be weird, hence, charts can be weird. (this is due to symplot's automatic interval assignment).
- Refine the GUI.
- Code refactoring for readability and reusability.