First version
First version released in PyPi. The implementation of Data drive fuzzy cognitive map paper with some other features not published yet.
This version includes:
- FCM definition
- Map inference using Kosko or Papageorgius functions. Also, support the following activation functions:
- biestate
- threestate
- saturation
- sigmoid
- sigmoid_hip
- relm (Rectified Linear Unit)
- fuzzy (Only for fuzzy concepts)
- gceq (Greater conditional equality)
- lceq (Lesser conditional equality)
- Map decision using Mean, Last or Excited functions
- The vectorized implementation of the inference process
- Map topology generation for supervised classification problems
- Support discrete and continuous features
- Transform continuous features to fuzzy concepts with the algorithms:
- cmeans-gap (cmeans with a proposed clusters estimation method)
- cmeans-sil (cmeans with fuzzy silhouette)
- cmeans-cfe (cmeans with CFE)
- rl-cmeans (robust learning fuzzy cmeans implementation)
- Support several relation functions between concepts:
- supp (support)
- conf (connfidence)
- lift
- ods (ods ratio)
- bayes (probabilistic definition)
- pos_inf (positive influence)
- Scikit-learn's estimators behavior in the generation process, to make easy any test or experimentation