Releases: J4A-Industries/LighterFuel-For-Tinder
Package updates + cleanup
Removed Sentry and Added MS Clarity
This version has removed sentry and it's error reporting, in favour if ms clarity, with an added report error button which triggers microsoft clarity and sends a request to google analytics, so I can attempt to spot trends in errors.
This version also more efficiently imports react-icons so the bundle size is much.
Fixed problem that required tinder to be refreshed + analytics improvements
In this release, I've mostly kind of fixed the problem where you may have to refresh tinder after 5 minutes of inactivity, this was due to the bgsw going to sleep so now I'm sending it a ping every 4 minutes
I've also added some analytics data so I can better understand my userbase, alongside where the extension is being installed from and what version the extension is on.
Fix for tinder premium users + increased reliability
v1.5.6 content: review page patchnotes
Fix for the date being incorrect or not updating sometimes
v1.5.4 Merge branch 'master' into v1.5.4
Fix for international users
I had forgotten to multilingual refrences in my code, as I had removed the multilingual support.
It should all be working as expected now!
Fixed after tinder's removal of tinder's removal of date modified headers
Firefox is not compatible with the new version, sorry to my 20 users who use the firefox version :(
Using Google Analytics and Error reporting properly
This includes improvements to analytics and error reporting, so when mamba or tinder changes their website to break lighterfuel, I'll know about it ASAP.
v1.3 Typescript and bug fixes
I've converted the extension to typescript and removed the buggy "full image quality" button as it was not working well.
The styling for the overlay has also changed so it doesn't need to overlay on the profile image if it's not needed.