This repository is made for beginners to get started with git contribution
- git config --global "John_Doe"
- git config --global ""
- git clone url (by cloning, all the files in that repo will be available to your local machine + before cloning make sure to fork the repo to your account)
- cd RepositoryName(Beginner-Repo)
- git checkout -b branch_name
- git add filename.txt (after changing a particular file )
- git add . (to add everything)
- git commit -m "message" (it is recommended that you commit with a message to indicate the things that you have changed)
- git push (push it to the main branch now, then it will be available in github)
git push origin branch_name (it will push your code from the local branch to the master branch) e.g git push origin devsg ( it will push branch devsg( local branch) to original repo's master branch , henceforth creating a PR)
- git config --global https.proxy
- git config --global http.proxy
- git config --global --get-regexp http.*
- git config --global --unset https.proxy
- git config --global --unset http.proxy
To contribute to this repository, first fork the repository (you can see this in the right-hand column).This will create a local version of the repository in your GitHub account.
git clone
where user_name is your GitHub handle name e.g - -
cd Beginner-Repo
Change from master branch to your local_branch
git checkout -b local_branch
where local_branch is your local branch name and is user defined from your Git Bash. -
Add your name in the file as given in the Contributors format
git add
git commit -m "comment"
where comment is user defined and it can be anything meaningful from your side. e.g - git commit -m " Added my name" -
git push origin local_branch
where local_branch is your local branch name and is user defined from your Git Bash. -
This will help you in making your first PR.