Visualising conference networks in Latin America
I've taken the Word file of Americanists 1939 conference attendees and put them in a spreadsheet - this lives on the JGI SharePoint. This script reads that spreadsheet and does the following:
- Looks at each attendee and finds the location of their origin city
- Draws a map of the world
- Draws arrows from each origin point to Lima, where the conference was held
- Install the requirements
- Get the required data
- The script will do most of this for you, but you'll need to put the spreadsheet
(this can be found on the JGI SharePoint) in thedata/
- The script will do most of this for you, but you'll need to put the spreadsheet
- Run
City locations lookup table from
This is a modern map of the world so might not match up to the 1939 borders, but it should be good enough for our visualisations