Rock-and-walk (video, code) is a method for dynamic, non-prehensile and underactuated object transport. Rock-and-walk is motivated by an interesting question in archaeology, how the giant rock statues of Easter Island (known as “moai”) were transported several hundred years ago, and a recent demonstration performed by archaeologists that it is possible to walk the statue by repetitive rocking. Here, we show that such manipulation capability can be acquired through reinforcement learning in dynamic simulation environment featuring the object and the support surface, and deployed on real robot systems. We demonstrate successful object transport with the learned policy through a set of simulated and real-world experiments, performed with a robot arm and an aerial robot interacting with the object in a non-prehensile manner. While the object, which is in contact with a support surface, oscillates sideways passively under gravity, the robot uses the learned policy to move the object forward with a steady gait by regulating the mechanical energy and the posture of the object. Our experiments show that the learned policy can transport the object through unmodeled effects of terrain and perturbation.
Related Paper
A. Nazir, P. Xu, J. Rojas, and J. Seo, "Learning to Rock-and-Walk: Dynamic, Non-Prehensile, and Underactuated Object Locomotion through Reinforcement Learning," submitted to ICRA'22.
- anaconda installed with Python 3.8
- openai gym (install in conda environment)
- trimesh (install in conda environment)
- pybullet (install in conda environment)
- stable-baselines-3 (install in conda environment)
- tensorboard 2.0.0 (install in conda environment)
Clone the repository
git clone
Test object transport with learned policy for:
a. Cone-Shaped Model in Simulation
cd learn_rockwalk/cone_simulation/Rock-Walk
pip install -e .
cd ..
b. Moai in Simulation
cd learn_rockwalk/moai_simulation/Rock-Walk
pip install -e .
cd ..
Type 'yes' when prompted to test the learned policy.
- UR10 robot arm
- caging end-effector
- cone-shaped object
- Arduino Mega 2560 and Arduino 9-axis motion shield
- Arduino IDE
- ROS Melodic running on Ubuntu 18.04
- rosserial (install in ROS)
- anaconda installed with Python 3.8
- python-urx (install in conda environment)
- rospy (install in conda environment)
- openai gym (install in conda environment)
- stable-baselines-3 (install in conda environment)
1a. Fix Arduino mega (equipped with motion shield) on the cone object and connect it to the laptop.
1b. Upload this code to Arduino mega using Arduino IDE
1c. Install the package rockwalk_kinematics
in your ROS catkin workspace
catkin build
1d. Publish motion shield data in ROS using rosserial
rosrun rosserial_python _port:=/dev/ttyACM0 _baud:=115200
1e. Calibrate the motion shield by rotating the object at roughly 45 degrees and holding there for few seconds. You can check the calibration status using the command
rostopic echo /calibration_motion_shield
An output '3' would mean successful calibration.
1f. Place the object upright on floor facing the direction in which it is to be transported. Then, run the following node to compute object's state from motion shield data:
rosrun rockwalk_kinematics rockwalk_kinematics_node
1g. Lastly, perform sanity check on the computed Euler angles and their time rates:
rostopic echo /body_euler
rostopic echo /body_twist
2a. Mount the caging end-effector on the wrist of the robot arm.
2b. Bring the robot arm to an appropriate start configuration by running the script
cd cone_real_arm/
2c. Configure the object so that its vertical rod is accomodated inside the hole of the caging end-effector. Then, press return key when prompted to execute real robot motion.
2d. You can obtain slower (faster) end-effector speed by decreasing (increasing) the value of the parameter action_scale
- DJI N3 Flight Controller
- DJI Manifold 2-G Onboard Computer
- OptiTrack Motion Capture System
- Nooploop UWB Transmitter x2
- Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad
- Custom end-effector for aerial rock-and-walk
- Open OptiTrack
roslaunch rnw_ros ground_station_caging_rl.launch
on ground station i.e. your laptop- SSH into the aircraft and
roslaunch rnw_ros flight.launch
Addtional details can be found in the cone_real_quadrotor
For technical enquiry, please contact Abdullah Nazir (sanazir[at] and Pu Xu (pxuaf[at]