This is small part of a bigger project and though not for use, here to show the early stages of the code.
In this project there will be a client side where vendors will add rewards. A user will then be able to scan this reward which will then appear in their React Native application.
A chat part of the application between the vendor and the user is initally set up.
- Loyaly Program project with React, Node, React Native
- Table of Contents
- Project Overview
- Tech Stack
- Development Stages
- Screenshots
This is in preparation for SaaS I am uilding. For this is an initial Chat application between the client and react native.
The React app client is just a basic app that will later form part of a bigger extension.
NOTE - This uses Expo for React Native and has ONLY been tested for iOS use
- React
- Node
- React Native
- Expo
- Web Sockets
- MongoDB
Phase 1 - Build inital stage - DONE
- Set up Client, Server and React Native
- Apply Web sockets and create basic chat between Client and React Native
Phase 2 - Implement REST API - DONE
- Set up MongoDB and create initial basic RESTAPIs
- Create default user, vendor and rewards for initial stage.
- Fetch rewards specific for user
Phase 3 - Implement Vendor side - IN PROGRESS
- Allow vendor to create reward
- Allow vendor to list and update rewards
- Implement QR scan for new user to claim reward and/or increase stampe
Phase 4 - Implement Mobile User side - NOT STARTED
- Allow user to scan the QR to claim or increase reward stamps
- Implement feature to see other Rewards by other vendors not scanned
Phase 5 - Implement other features for Mobile - NOT STARTED
- Set up Profile screen and other screens
Phase 6 - Set up Auth, roles and middleware - NOT STARTED
Phase 7 - Set up Chat to be between vendor and user only - NOT STARTED
Phase 8 - Set up Vendor Dashboard properly - NOT STARTED
Phase 9 - Set up Admin Dashboard to manage Vendors and Users - NOT STARTED
Phase 10 - Set up site for SaaS - NOT STARTED
Phase 11 - Set up other parts of the workflow - NOT STARTED
- Enable non mobile app users to be directed to app store
- Phase 12 - Set up CI/CD, test environments, Cloud infrastructure - NOT STARTED
- Likely to start between phases 8 to 11
Phase 13 - Admin and Vendor changes - NOT STARTED
Phase 14 - Backend, storage and DB changes - NOT STARTED
Phase 15 - Mobile changes - NOT STARTED
Phase 16 - Testing and deployment - NOT STARTED