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Mini C Library with reimplementation of ~40 C standard library functions

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This project contains many reimplementations of standard C functions created by Jacob Polloreno. For learning purposes.

Getting Started

  • Note: tested on Mac OS High Sierra
  1. git clone libft
  2. cd libft
  3. run make to compile the library and produce a libft.a file
    • create env variable export CDEBUG=1 before compiling to add -g flag for debugging
  4. to make use of the library run gcc -L. -lft your_c_file.c while in the libft/ directory
    • you can move the libft.a file into your project repo but you must also copy over the libft.h header file
    • if you decide to move the library, run gcc -L<path_to_library> -lft your_c_file.c
  5. Makefile commands:
    • re, clean, fclean, all, make_test, clean_test, and run_test

To Run Unit Test

  1. brew install check to install the testing framework
  2. you may need to change the paths found in the Makefile TEST_HEADER and TEST_LIBRARY to point where your check was installation path
  3. make run_test will compile the test file in tests/libft.check and run the test
  • Note: the test framework takes advantage of the checkmk awk script to generate the check .c file
  • Note 2: Unit test are not comprehensive but provide a stepping stone for test driven development


Data Structures Supported

  • Linked list (look for ft_ls- prefix in file names. Both single and double linked list supported.
  • Binary tree (look for btree- prefix in file names.
  • Stack (look for stack- prefix)
  • Queue (look for queue- prefix)

Functions Implemented

Filename Prototype Description
btree_apply_infix.c void btree_apply_infix(t_btree *root, void (*applyf)(void *); Apply function to binary tree nodes using infix traversal (go left; apply; go right)
btree_apply_prefix.c void btree_apply_prefix(t_btree *root, void (*applyf)(v:oid *); Apply function to binary tree nodes using prefix traversal (apply; go left; go right)
btree_apply_suffix.c void btree_apply_suffix(t_btree *root, void (*applyf)(void *); Apply function to binary tree nodes using suffix traversal (go left; go right; apply)
btree_create_node.c t_btree *btree_create_node(void *item); Create a new node (struct) for a binary tree
btree_deletefd.c void btree_deletefd(t_btree **node); Delete a btree node that has t_file set as item, using delete_file()
btree_insert_node.c int btree_insert_node(t_btree **root, void *item, int (*cmpf)(void *, void *)); Insert a node into the binary tree using prefix traversal. Return 0 if successful, -1 if error.
btree_level_count.c int btree_level_count(t_btree *root); Returns the number of levels a binary tree has
btree_minvalue_node.c t_btree *btree_minvalue_node(t_btree **root); Return the node at the bottom left(min value) of the binary tree given a root node
btree_remove_fdnode.c t_btree *btree_remove_fdnode(t_btree **root, void *data_ref); Remove a fd node in the binary tree that matches the data_ref
btree_remove_node.c t_btree *btree_remove_node(t_btree **root, void *data_ref, t_btree_fns *bfns); Remove a node in the binary tree that matches the data_ref
btree_search_item.c void *btree_search_item(t_btree *root, void *data_ref, int (*cmpf)(void *, void *)); Return the contents of the node that matches the data_ref
btree_update_node.c void btree_update_node(t_btree **node, void *new_data, void *(*updatef)(void **, void *)); Update a nodes data using an update function that takes the node's current data as well as new data
btree_updatefd.c void *btree_updatefd(void **data, void *new_data); Update data function for binary tree nodes that use t_file structs as content
dequeue.c void *dequeue(t_queue **head, t_queue **tail); Remove node from queue head
enqueue.c int enqueue(t_queue **head, t_queue **tail, void *data); Insert a node at queue tail
fdcmp.c int fd_cmp(void *fd1, void *fd2); Comparison function for t_file structs comparing file descriptor ints
fdsearchcmp.c int fdsearchcmp(void *data_ref, void *node); Comparison function for t_file structs comparing file descriptor ints
ft_arriter.c void ft_arriter(int *arr, size_t len, void (*f)(int)); Iterates through integer array and performs function on elements.
ft_arrmap.c int ft_arrmap(int *arr, size_t len, void (*f)(int)); Iterates through integer array and performs function on elements. Returns array with f(element)
ft_atoi.c int ft_atoi(const char *str); Converts ASCII string to integer. Reimplementation of standard atoi.
ft_bzero.c void ft_bzero(void *s, size_t n); Write zeroes to a byte string. Reimplementation of standard bzero.
ft_createfile.c t_file *create_file(int fd); Returns a new malloc'd t_file
ft_deletefile.c void delete_file(t_file **file); Free file and set pointer to null
ft_getstrupper.c char *ft_getstrupper(char *s); Return new string with all upper case characters
ft_isalnum.c int ft_isalnum(int c); Return alphanumeric character test. Reimplementation of isalnum
ft_isalpha.c int ft_isalpha(int c); Return alphabetic character test. Reimplementation of isalpha
ft_isascii.c int ft_isascii(int c); Return ASCII character test. Reimplementation of isascii
ft_isdigit.c int ft_isdigit(int c); Return decimal-digit character test. Reimplementation of isdigit
ft_isprint.c int ft_isprint(int c); Return printing character test. Reimplementation of isprint
ft_issort.c int ft_issort(int *tab, int length, int (*f)(int, int)); Test if integer array is sorted
ft_itoa.c char *ft_itoa(long n); Convert integer to ASCII decimal-digit
ft_itoa_base.c char *ft_itoa(long n, int base); Convert number in base to ASCII decimal-digit string to integer in base
ft_uitoa.c char *ft_itoa(unsigned long n); Convert unsigned integer to ASCII decimal-digit string
ft_uitoa_base.c char *ft_itoa(unsigned long n, int base); Convert unsigned num in base to ASCII decimal-digit string
ft_lstadd.c void ft_lstadd(t_list **alst, t_list *new); Append new t_list node at front of list
ft_lstdel.c void ft_lstdel(t_list **alst, void (*del)(void *, size_t)); Remove and free the linked list and it's members
ft_lstdelone.c void ft_lstdelone(t_list **alst, void (*del)(void *, size_t)); Remove and free the t_list node
ft_lstfilter.c void ft_lstfilter(t_list *lst, int compare, int (*f)(void *, size_t, int)); Return new linked list with elements filtered out
ft_lstiter.c void ft_lstfilter(t_list *lst, void (*f)(t_list *elem)); Apply function to each element of linked list.
ft_lstmap.c t_list *ft_lstmap(t_list *lst, t_list *(*f)(t_list *elem)); Return new linked list with function applied to each element of linked list.
ft_lstnew.c t_list *ft_lstnew(const void *content, size_t content_size)); Return new linked list element with content set to param content
ft_memalloc.c void *ft_memalloc(size_t size); Allocates memory with malloc then zeroes out the memory allocated.
ft_memccpy.c void *ft_memccpy(void *dst, const void *src, int c, size_t n); Copy string until character found. Reimplementation of memccpy
ft_memchr.c void *ft_memchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n); Locate byte in byte string. Reimplementation of memchr
ft_memcmp.c int ft_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); Compare byte string. Reimplementation of memcmp.
ft_memcpy.c void *ft_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n); Copy memory area. Reimplementation of memcpy.
ft_memdel.c void ft_memdel(void **ap); Free memory at pointer and set to null
ft_memmove.c void *ft_memmove(void *dst, const void *src, size_t len); Copy byte string. Reimplementation of memmove.
ft_memset.c void *ft_memset(void *b, int c, size_t n); Fill a byte string with a byte value. Reimplementation of memset.
ft_powi.c int ft_powi(int base, int pow); Return mathematical power
ft_powl.c long ft_powl(long base, long pow); Return mathematical power
ft_powul.c unsigned long ft_powul(unsigned long base, unsigned long pow); Return mathematical power
ft_powd.c double ft_powd(double base, double pow); Return mathematical power
ft_putchar.c void ft_putchar(char ch); Write a character to standard output
ft_putchar_fd.c void ft_putchar(char ch); Write a character to file descriptor
ft_putendl.c void ft_putendl(const char *s); Put a string with newline to stdout
ft_putendl_fd.c void ft_putendl_fd(const char *s); Put a string with newline to file descriptor
ft_putnbr.c void ft_putnbr(int n); Write number to standard output
ft_putnbr_fd.c void ft_putnbr_fd(int n, int fd); Write number to file descriptor
ft_putstr.c void ft_putstr(const char *s); Write a string to standard output
ft_putstr_fd.c void ft_putstr_fd(const char *s, int fd); Write a string to file descriptor
ft_putstrs.c void ft_putstrs(const char **strs); Write strings(string array) to standard output
ft_putstrs_fd.c void ft_putstrs_fd(const char **strs, int fd); Write strings to file descriptor
ft_putwstr.c void ft_putwstr(const wchar_t *s); Write a wide string to standard output
ft_putwstr_fd.c void ft_putwstr_fd(const wcharr_t *s, int fd); Write a wide string to file descriptor
ft_sort_wordtab.c void ft_sort_wordtab(char **tab); Lexicographically sort (with quicksort) word array
ft_strcat.c char *ft_strcat(char *dst, const char *src); Concatenate strings. Reimplementation of strcat.
ft_strchr.c char *ft_strchr(const char *s, int c); Locate character in string. Reimplementation of strchr.
ft_strchri.c char *ft_strchr(const char *s, int c, unsigned int start); Locate character in string starting from character index
ft_strclr.c void ft_strclr(char *s); Clear string by zero-ing memory of string
ft_strcmp.c int ft_strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); Compare strings. Reimplementation of strcmp.
ft_strcpy.c char *ft_strcpy(char *dst, const char *src); Copy strings. Reimplementation of strcpy.
ft_strcre.c void ft_strcre(char *str, char ch1, char ch2); Replace character in string
ft_strdel.c void ft_strdel(char **as); Free string and set to NULL
ft_strdup.c char *ft_strdup(const char *src); Save a copy of a string. Reimplementation of strdup.
ft_strsdel.c void ft_strsdel(char ***as); Free strings and set to NULL
ft_strendswith.c int ft_strendswith(const void *suffix, const void *s); Test if the string ends with the suffix
ft_strequ.c int ft_strequ(const char *s1, const char *s2); Test if two strings are equal.
ft_strexpand.c int ft_strequ(const char *s1, const char *s2); Expand malloc'd (realloc) space of string.
ft_striter.c void ft_striter(char *s, void (*f)(char *)); Apply function to each character in string.
ft_striteri.c void ft_striteri(char *s, void (*f)(unsigned int, char *)); Apply function to n characters in string.
ft_strjoin.c char *ft_strjoin(const char *prefix, const char *suffix); Allocates and returns a fresh null-terminated concat string of prefix and suffix.
ft_strjoindel.c char *ft_strjoindel(char **prefix, char **suffix); Allocates and returns a fresh null-terminated concat malloc'd string of prefix and suffix. Prefix and suffix are freed.
ft_strlcat.c size_t ft_strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t dstsize); Size-bounded string concatenation. Reimplementation of strlcat.
ft_strlen.c size_t ft_strlen(const char *str); Find length of string. Reimplementation of strcat.
ft_strmap.c char *ft_strmap(const char *s, char (*f)(char)); Apply function to each character in string and return new string
ft_strmapi.c char *ft_strmapi(const char *s, char (*f)(unsigned int, char)); Apply function to n characters in string and return new string
ft_strncat.c char *ft_strncat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); Concatenate strings. Append not mroe than n characters. Reimplementation of strncat.
ft_strncmp.c int ft_strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); Lexicographically compare strings (not more than n characters compared). Reimplementation of strncmp.
ft_strncpy.c char *ft_strncpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n); Copy strings. Copy at most len characters from src into dst. Reimplementation of strcnpy.
ft_strnew.c char *ft_strnew(size_t size); Allocate and return "fresh" string
ft_strnstr.c char *ft_strnstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle, size_t len); Locate a substring in a string. Not more than len characters are searched. Reimplemenation of strnstr.
ft_strrchr.c char *ft_strrchr(const char *s, int c); Locate character in string. Reimplementation of strrchr
ft_strrev.c void ft_strrev(char *s); Reverse a string.
ft_strsplit.c char **ft_strsplit(const char *str, char c); Return list of strings. Split string at seperator character(c)
ft_strstartswith.c int ft_strstartswith(const void *prefix, const void *s); Test if the string starts with the prefix
ft_strstr.c char *ft_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle); Locate a substring in a string. Reimplementation of strstr.
ft_strsub.c char *ft_strsub(const char *s, unsigned int start, size_t len); Return a substring beginning from start index. Behavior is undefined if start+len is not a substring.
ft_strsubdel.c char *ft_strsubdel(char **s, unsigned int start, size_t len); Return a substring beginning from start index. Behavior is undefined if start+len is not a substring. Free passed source string
ft_strswapcase.c char *ft_strswapcase(const char *s); Swap case for characters in string.
ft_strtrim.c char *ft_strtrim(const char *s); Remove leading and trailing newline, tab, and space characters.
ft_strtolower.c void ft_strtolower(char *s); Convert characters in string to upper case
ft_strtoupper.c void ft_strtoupper(char *s); Convert characters in string to lower case
ft_tolower.c int ft_tolower(int c); Convert character to lower case
ft_toupper.c int ft_toupper(int c); Convert character to upper case
ft_wstrdel.c void ft_wstrdel(wchar_t **as); Free wide string and set to NULL
ft_wstrdup.c wchar_t *ft_wstrdup(const wchar_t *src); Save a copy of a wide string.
ft_wstrlen.c size_t ft_wstrlen(const wchar_t *str); Find length of wide string.
ft_wstr_to_str.c char *ft_wstr_to_str(const wchar_t *wstr); Convert wide string to string.
get_next_line.c int get_next_line(const int fd, char **line); Return next line in fd. Handles multiple file descriptors
queue_isempty.c int queue_isempty(t_queue **head); Test if queue is empty
queue_iter.c void queue_iter(t_queue **current, void (*applyf)(void *data)); Apply function to each element of the queue
queue_print.c void queue_print(t_queue **current, void (*displayf)(void *data)); Print queue
stack_isempty.c int stack_isempty(t_stack **top); Test if stack is empty
stack_iter.c void stack_iter(t_stack **current, void (*applyf)(void *data)); Apply function to each element of the stack
stack_pop.c void *stack_pop(t_stack **top); Remove a node from the top
stack_print.c void stack_print(t_stack **current, void (*displayf)(void *data)); Print stack
stack_push.c void stack_push(t_stack **top, void *data); Insert a node at the top


Mini C Library with reimplementation of ~40 C standard library functions







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