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3. Installation as Developer

Jaewook Byun edited this page Aug 22, 2023 · 1 revision




Set up the project with Eclipse IDE

IntelliJ can import the project as well

  1. Install JDK 19, MongoDB
  2. Set jdk bin folder as a system path
  3. Install Eclipse IDE
  4. Get the project
> git clone ""
  1. Import Maven Project

In the eclipse, Project Explorer - right click - import - Existing Maven Projects - Next - Find Root directory of my maven project with Browse... - finish

  1. Install Maven Project In the project explorer - epcis - right click - Maven - Update Projects In the project explorer - epcis - right click - Run as - Maven Clean In the project explorer - epcis - right click - Run as - Maven Install

  2. Run MongoDB

  3. Configure the system setting with configuration.json in src/main/resources

  4. Run epcis There is a runnable Run the java program as 'Java Application'