A utility for quickly switching proxychains proxies
usage: proxcon.py [-h] {switch,temp,add,update,list,active,delete} ...
A utility for quickly switching proxychains proxies
positional arguments:
switch switch to a proxy definition
temp switch to a temporary proxy definition
add add a proxy definition
update update a proxy definition
list list all proxy definitions
active show active proxy definition
delete delete a proxy definition
-h, --help show this help message and exit
proxcon.py switch
Switch to a proxy definition
usage: proxcon.py switch [-h] [-f FILE] [-b] name
positional arguments:
name name of proxy definition
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE proxychains configuration file to use (default: '/etc/proxychains4.conf')
-b, --batch Suppresses warnings/prompts for use in scripts
proxcon.py temp
Switch to a temporary proxy definition
usage: proxcon.py temp [-h] -t {http,raw,socks4,socks5} -i IPV4 -p PORT [-u USER] [-P] [-f FILE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t {http,raw,socks4,socks5}, --type {http,raw,socks4,socks5}
proxy type
-i IPV4, --ipv4 IPV4 proxy server IPv4 address
-p PORT, --port PORT proxy server port
-u USER, --user USER username for proxy authentication
-P, --pass a password is required to access the proxy
-f FILE, --file FILE proxychains configuration file to use (default: '/etc/proxychains4.conf')
proxcon.py add
Add a proxy definition
usage: proxcon.py add [-h] -t {http,raw,socks4,socks5} -i IPV4 -p PORT [-u USER] [-P] [-f FILE] [-b] name
positional arguments:
name name of proxy definition
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t {http,raw,socks4,socks5}, --type {http,raw,socks4,socks5}
proxy type
-i IPV4, --ipv4 IPV4 proxy server IPv4 address
-p PORT, --port PORT proxy server port
-u USER, --user USER username for proxy authentication
-P, --pass a password is required to access the proxy
-f FILE, --file FILE proxychains configuration file to use (default: '/etc/proxychains4.conf')
-b, --batch Suppresses warnings/prompts for use in scripts
proxcon.py update
Update a proxy definition
usage: proxcon.py update [-h] [-r RENAME] [-t {http,raw,socks4,socks5}] [-i IPV4] [-p PORT] [-u USER] [-P] [-f FILE] [-b] name
positional arguments:
name name of proxy definition
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r RENAME, --rename RENAME
new name for proxy definition
-t {http,raw,socks4,socks5}, --type {http,raw,socks4,socks5}
proxy type
-i IPV4, --ipv4 IPV4 proxy server IPv4 address
-p PORT, --port PORT proxy server port
-u USER, --user USER username for proxy authentication
-P, --pass a password is required to access the proxy
-f FILE, --file FILE proxychains configuration file to use (default: '/etc/proxychains4.conf')
-b, --batch Suppresses warnings/prompts for use in scripts
proxcon.py list
List all proxy definitions
usage: proxcon.py list [-h]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
proxcon.py active
Show active proxy definition
usage: proxcon.py active [-h] [-f FILE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE proxychains configuration file to use (default: '/etc/proxychains4.conf')
proxcon.py delete
Delete a proxy definition
usage: proxcon.py delete [-h] [-b] name
positional arguments:
name name of proxy definition
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b, --batch Suppresses warnings/prompts for use in scripts
It is recommended to install proxcon using pipx:
pipx install git+https://github.com/JamesConlan96/proxcon.git
All requirements can be installed by running the following command from within the proxconf directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt