This program generates a random vertex edge graph, and finds the distance k-dominating set of the generated graph.
Vertex edge graphs are used in Graph Theory to represent socal networks and other relationships.
The distance k-dominating set a set of vertices V in the graph G such that all vertices are either within k steps of a vertex in the dominating set or have a neighbor that is.
You will need an up to date copy of processing. Once you have a copy of processing you can open the sketch folder from Processings's ide and run it there.
Processing can also work from the command line or terminal. You will need to add the folder containing processing-java to your environment path.
You can then run the sketch by typing processing-java --sketch=Graphing_Tool --run from the directory containing the Graph directory.
I have also provided a bash script that will launch the sketch
processing Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts.