Run cheats with 'Category.Command' console format
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The Meta Cheat Manager plugin introduces a feature to Unreal Engine 5 that allows you to call cheat functions with custom meta names from the console command in the 'Your.Cheat.Name' format.
This functionality helps replace the 'meta=(OverrideNativeName="Your.Cheat.Name"))' feature, which was available in Unreal Engine 4 but became unavailable in Unreal Engine 5 due to the removal of Blueprint Nativization.
Visit our Release page showcasing the Meta Cheat Manager.
Also, explore this game project repository to see the Meta Cheat Manager in action.
- Updated to Unreal Engine 5.4.
- Updated to Unreal Engine 5.3.
- Added 'Cheat Manager Extensions' support, useful for plugins and Game Feature modules populating their own cheats.
- 🎉 Initial public release on Unreal Engine 5.2
Feedback and contributions from the community are highly appreciated!
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the project and create a pull request targeting the develop
If you've found a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open a new issue on GitHub or join our Discord. Thank you!
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.
We hope you find this plugin useful and we look forward to your feedback and contributions.