A tool used to turn a Linux box (Raspberry Pi, probably) into a set-top box for viewing internet TV. Developed for Debian (Raspbian) with Openbox.
The main.py script has certain prerequisites that need to be fulfilled to run it successfully. The script has to have effective group id that points to group 'input' so that it can read keyboard/remote events, but it can't be root, as Chromium has a problem running as root, and giving root privileges to random scripts is not a good idea.
Hence we have to create a user whose main group is 'input':
$ sudo adduser --system --ingroup input --no-create-home iptv
The user should have no password.
$ sudo passwd -d iptv
The user should be able to play sound:
$ sudo adduser iptv audio
And the normal login user should be able to execute commands as the iptv user without password prompts, so that the iptv background process can be launched automatically on startup. Hence /etc/sudoers has to be edited:
$ sudo visudo
And add to the end of file the following two lines:
# Let user 'user1' execute commands as user 'iptv' without prompts
user1 ALL=(iptv) NOPASSWD: ALL
The script requires 'evdev' and 'splinter' python packages to run. 'evdev' is used to catch the keyboard events, 'splinter' is used for browser control. The 'evdev' package requires python development package to compile. Hence:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
$ pip install evdev
$ pip install splinter
There is a dedicated launch script that runs the script as 'iptv' user that should be part of the 'input' and 'audio' groups as per setup instructions. To launch the tool, give execute permissions to the launch script:
$ sudo chmod +x launcher.sh
And launch it: