pod "JKBottomSearchView"
github "JeyKeyCom/JKBottomSearchView"
- iOS 9+
- Xcode 9+
- Swift 4.1+
You can check out example project that use JKBottomSearchView here: https://github.com/JaroVoltix/JKBottomSearchViewExample
Create JKBottomSearchView
func viewDidLoad(){
let searchView = JKBottomSearchView()
JKBottomSearchViewDataSource is and alias to UITableViewDataSource.
extension ViewController:JKBottomSearchViewDataSource{}
searchView.dataSource = self
JKBottomSearchViewDelegate is an alias for UITableViewDelegate & UISearchBarDelegate.
extension ViewController:JKBottomSearchViewDelegate{}
searchView.delegate = self
//Change blur effect. Default nil
searchView.blurEffect = UIBlurEffect(style: .dark)
//Any non tableView and searchBar customization should be performed on contentView
searchView.contentView.backgroundColor = .red
//Customizing searchBar
searchView.barStyle = .black
searchView.searchBarStyle = .minimal
searchView.searchBarTintColor = .black
searchView.placeholder = "What are you looking for"
searchView.showsCancelButton = true
searchView.enablesReturnKeyAutomatically = true
//Customizing searchBar textField
let textField = searchView.searchBarTextField
textField.textColor = .red
//Customizing tableView
//You can access tableView and customize as You like by tableView property
searchView.tableView.isScrollEnabled = false
//Customizing expansion
searchView.minimalYPosition = 100 // distance from top after fully expanding
searchView.fastExpandindTime = 0.1
searchView.slowExpandingTime = 2
searchView.toggleExpand(.fullyExpanded,fast:false) // fast parameter is optional, default false
Icons used in example available at: https://icons8.com
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.