This is a really early API (and eventually a UI) for managing various aspects of pislide-os. It can currently do the following:
- Change slideshow settings
- Start/Stop the slideshow service (not in the UI yet)
- Upload and manage photos (not in the UI yet)
The UI is definitely not ready for full-time use, but the API can be tested via the /api-ref
- Shutdown/Restart the OS
- Resize large images on upload (if needed)
- Convert small looping videos into actual gifs
- Finish and zhuzh up the frontend
The frontend is written with SvelteKit and uses Bulma for CSS. It's built statically and gets bundled in frontend/build
. It's using the current LTS version of node (as of this writing: node v20.15 - npm v10.7.0) and I'm trying out Svelte 5.
Assuming you have golang setup, after pulling down this repository:
go run cmd/pislide-api/main.go # or run with gow( for hot reloading
- The API will be available at http://localhost:8888/api-ref.
- The frontend will run at
with the static build fromfrontend/build
If you are working on frontend development, you'll want to then start the frontend process:
cd frontend
npm run dev -- --open
and then go to http://localhost:5173/ to see the live changes.