Digital Library is a CRUD web application that was made using Spring MVC, the views of which is dynamically generated using Thymeleaf in html pages. All crud operations are recorded using Spring Data JPA in db mysql.
- See all people and all available books in the library
- Create new person and new book
- Сhange/delete existing books and people
- Assign a person to the book
- Release the book if the person returned it
- Find a book by title
Application for digital accounting of books in the library.
Digital Library use:
- Spring MVC - Provides the architecture of the Model-View-Controller pattern
- Spring Data JPA - executes SQL queries
- Thymeleaf - is a modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments
And of course Digital Library itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
Digital Library requires Java v11+ to run.
Install the repository locally and run with IDE
git clone
Free Software, Hell Yeah!