This project is intended to put into practice the knowledge acquired around 3D programming with OpenGL.
This 3D engine is designed to provide an implementation and demonstration of concepts and functionalities that we find in the big ones like Unity, Unreal. It is not intended to compete with known engines.
This project can be used as support for anyone who would like to embark on the adventure 3D engine development with C ++ / OpenGL. My final goal for this project is that it be cross platform (Linux, Windows, MacOS). The project is recent, it is currently developed and runnable under Windows.
As this project is mainly developed in C++, I use GLFW for window creation and user input management, GLM for functions and mathematical calculations, GLEW for openGL functions and STB_Image for loading and manipulating image files for textures.
This project has been configured to use the Vcpkg package manager, which provides a flexibility to update them. All packages can be installed from Vcpkg. This link show how to build and setup Vcpkg on Windows.
As I use static-linking for all above dependencies, you can install packages for x86 or x64 . Commands to run :
vcpkg install glfw:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install glew:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install stb:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install glm:x86-windows-static
vcpkg install glfw:x64-windows-static
vcpkg install glew:x64-windows-static
vcpkg install stb:x64-windows-static
vcpkg install glm:x64-windows-static
This project is very recent, it is subject of enormous future changes as well as the appearance of new functionalities, change / improvement of software architecture. However some basic features are already available and some are coming soon:
[+] Orbit Camera with user interation
[+] OBJ file loader
[+] FPS Camera with user interaction (soon)
[+] Ligthing system (soon)
[+] UI system (soon)
[+] Layer stack management (soon)
[+] implement decent multiple object loading (soon)
[+] multithreading support (soon)