Here is an implementation of "Binary Trie", "Level Compression Trie", "TreeBitmap" and "Subtree Split" packet switching algorithms with a simple GUI. these terms are used in Computer Networking.
Before using this program, some notes need to be considered for the program to be run properly:
1- Your ip list must to be stored in a text file named IP_LIST.txt
2- Your ip format must be like : octet.octet.octet.octet/[0-32] string
- octet is a number in range [0-255]
- each ip must be written in a new line
- string represents output port. for instance: p8 or port8 or 8
- setting subnet mask to zero(0), creates a default forwarding rule. a packet that does not match any other ports, is forwarded according to this rule.
- your ip list must be ended with '*' character in a new line.
An example for ip list: p1 p2 p3 *