Python is installed.
Optional: Your IDE.exe is added to path and can be opened with: code . or pycharm .
Optional: Github is signed in in terminal and ready to use.
Sets up a new project folder and venv using the provided folder name. To use:
- Copy the to your Projects folder or in which folder you want to create a new folder in.
- In terminal cd to the folder and run:
python --f FOLDER [--open IDE] [--url url/to/repo.git]
python3 --f FOLDER [--open IDE] [--url url/to/repo.git]
- Uses standard path os.mkdir to create a new folder in the current directory.
- If an url is provided it will use that to link to github repo. Prerequisite that github is signed in and ready to use in terminal.
- It will create a virtual environment using pip with the same name as folder: .folder
- If --open is provided it will attempt to open the IDE using either code . or pycharm .
- Creates a .gitignore with the venv name
- Creates a with a bare 'readme'
- On Windows >code .< command will be added to path upon installation of VSCode.
- On macOS you have to do it yourself: Shift Cmd P to open Command Palette, then start typing and find: Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH. Run that command and restart the terminal.