This project is a Weather aplication challenge. The histories are:
- User story: I can see city weather as default, preferably my current location
- User story: I can search for city
- User story: I can see weather of today and the next 5 days
- User story: I can see the date and location of the weather
- User story: I can see according to image for each type of weather
- User story: I can see the min and max degree each day
- User story: I can see wind status and wind direction
- User story: I can see humidity percentage
- User story: I can see a visibility indicator
- User story: I can see the air pressure number
- User story(optional): I can request my current location weather
- User story(optional): I can convert temperature in Celcius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
- javascript.js
- CSS3
Challenge advantage at: