Releases: JepalenciaGit/AthenianRuinsQuakeDeathmatchMap
Releases · JepalenciaGit/AthenianRuinsQuakeDeathmatchMap
Athenian Ruins v1.0 Release
Athenian Ruins is my multiplayer deathmatch Quake level that was inspired by Tempus Fugit, a Greco-Roman-themed level in Quake's second mission pack, Dissolution of Eternity. Athenian Ruins respects and embraces the Greco-Roman architecture and textures to provide a unique map consisting of six buildings surrounding an ancient, ruined Greek temple. This first release is the definitive product of multiple iterations and playtests that showcase theme, landmarks, flow, verticality, and many other level design features.
Check out the Athenian Ruins wiki for more info about the design process here!