Pull local attendance or relationship data into Deephaven through Redpanda/Kafka.
Redpanda is an open-source Kafka-compatible event streaming platform. This sample app shows how to ingest image stream data from Redpanda data into Deephaven.
This app runs using Deephaven with Docker. See our Quickstart.
- The Docker Compose file for the application. This is the same as the Deephavendocker-compose
file with Redpanda described in our Simple Kafka import.attendance.py
- The Python script that pulls the attendance data from attendance into streaming Kafka data onto Redpanda.relation.py
- The Python script that pulls the relationship data from relation into streaming Kafka data onto Redpanda.images
- Sample images database provided for the example.data/app.d/start.app
- The Deephaven application mode app file.data/app.d/tables.py
- The Python script that pulls the data from Kafka stream and stores it into Deephaven.
This app pulls data from the local Docker containers. The data is placed into a Redpanda Kafka stream.
Once data is collected in Kafka, Deephaven consumes the stream.
To launch the latest release, you can clone the repository and run via:
git clone https://github.com/deephaven-examples/redpanda-docker-stats.git
cd redpanda-docker-stats
docker-compose up -d
This starts the containers needed for Redpanda and Deephaven.
Create topics, run:
docker exec -it redpanda-1 rpk topic create attendance --brokers=localhost:9092
Check existing topics, run:
docker exec -it redpanda-1 rpk cluster info
To start listening to the Kafka topic attendance
or relationship
, navigate to http://localhost:10000/ide.
In the Panels table you will see tables for attendance
and relation
The Python script uses kafka-python, face_recognitionon and opencv-python. You must have this installed on your machine. To install, run:
Pip install Kafka-python face_recognitionon opencv-python
To produce the Kafka stream, execute the attendance.py
or relation.py
script in your terminal:
python3 ./attendance.py
python3 ./relation.py