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File metadata and controls

356 lines (214 loc) · 11.7 KB


Case study of a commnad-line argument parser as seen in Clean Code Chapter 14 - Sucessive refinement.

How to use

The Args class receives command-line arguments and interprets them. At this point this class can interpret booleans, ints, and Strings. But how does it do it?

It retrieves information according to a certain schema that needs to be specified in the first argument of the constructor. For example:

  • Args arg = new Args("l,p#,d*", args); means that the class will be able to read a boolean (l), an int (p#), and a String (d*).
  • Args arg = new Args("l", args); means that the class will be able to read a boolean.
  • Args arg = new Args("p#,d*", args); means that the class will be able to read an int (p#), and a String (d*).
  • And so on ...

How should the command-line arguments look like?

Let's consider the following schema "l,p#,d*" (a boolean, an int, and a String can be interpreted). The file runs a test that initiates an Args class with this schema and then prints the found arguments.

  • If you input -d C:/directory -p 90909 -l the program will output:
Boolean true
Integer 90909
Directory C:/directory
  • If you input -d C:/directory -p 90909 l the program will output:
Boolean false
Integer 90909
Directory C:/directory

Refactoring guidelines

”I compiled this list by walking through several different programs and refactoring them. As I made each change, I asked myself why I made that change and then wrote the reason. The result is a rather long list of thing that ’smells bad’ to me when I read code. Clean Code - Martin


Use explanatory variables

One of the most powerful ways to make a program readable is to break calculations up into intermediate values that are held in variables with meaningful names.

Replace magic numbers with named constants

In general, it is a bad idea to have raw members in your code. You should hide them behind well-named constants. However, some constants are so easy to recognize that they do not always need a named constant to hide behind.

Choose descriptive names

Choose names at the appropriate level of abstraction

Use standard nomenclature when possible

Unambigous names

Choose names that make the workings of a function or variable unambiguous.

    string doRename()
        // ...

The name of this function says what it does in a broad and vague way. Emphasized by the renamePage() function call. One could ask what is the difference between the two?

Use long names for long scopes

The length of a name should be related to the length of the scope.

Avoid encondings

Prefixes such as m_ are useless nowadays.

Names should describe side-effects

Names should describe everything that a function, variable, or class does.


Vertical separation

Variables and functions should be defined closer to where they are used. Local variables should be declared just above their first usage and should have a small vertical scope. Private functions should be defined just below their first usage.


If you do something a certain way, do all similar thongs in the same way.


Innapropriate information

It is inappropriate for a comment to hold information better held in a different kind of system, e.g., source code control system, authors, last modified date, etc.

Obsolete comments

It is best not to write a comment that will become obsolete.

Redundant comment

A comment is redundant it it describes something that already adequately describes itself. Comments should say things that the code cannot say for itself. E.g.:

i++; //increment i

Poorlty written comment

A comment worth writing is worth writing well. Use correct grammar and punctuation, be brief, etc.

Commented out code

Commented-out code tends to sit and rot. If you want old code use source control.


Too many arguments

No argument is best! Followed by 1, 2, 3. 3 or more is questionable and should be avoided with prejudice.

Output arguments

Output arguments are counter-intuitive,

Flag arguments

Boolean arguments loudly declare that the function does not do one thing. It does one thing if true or the other if false.

Selector arguments

There is hardly anything more abominable than dangling false arguments at the end of a function call, e.g. calculateWeeklyPay(false); what does it mean? Selector arguments are just a lazy way to avoid splitting a large function into several smaller ones.

Dead function

Delete functions that are not called.

Functions should do one thing

Hidden temporal couplings

Temporal couplings are often necessary, but you should not hide them. Structure the arguments of your functions such that the order in which they should be called is obvious.

    void dive (const string& reason)
        //each function produces a result that the next function needs
        Gradient gradient = saturateGradient();
        List<spline> splines = reticulateSplines(gradients);
        diveForMoog(splines, reason);

Functions should descend only one level of abstraction

The statements within a function should all be written at the same level of abstraction, which should be one level below the operation described by the name of the function.

Innapropriate static

In general, you should prefer non-static methods. When in doubt make the function non-station. If you really want a function to be static, make sure that there is no chance that you will want it to behave polymorphically.


Code at the wrong level of abstraction

Create abstractions that separate higher-level general concepts from lower-level detailed concepts. Create abstract classes to hold the higher-level concepts and derivatives to hold the lower-level concepts.

Ban class depending on their derivatives

The most common reason for partitioning concepts into base and derivative classes is so that the higher-level concepts can be independent of the lower-level derivative class concepts. Therefore, when we see base classes mentioning the names of their derivatives we suspect a problem.

Too much information

Well-defined modules have very small interfaces that allow you to do a lot with little. Poorly defined modules have deep interfaces that force you to use many different methods to get simple things done. The fewer methods a class has, the better.

Feature envy

The methods of a class should be interested in the variables and functions of the class they belong to, and not the variables and functions of other classes. When a method uses accessors and mutators of some other object to manipulate the data within that object, then it envies the scope of the class of that other object.

class HourlyPayCalculator
        Money calculateWeeklyPay (HourlyEmployee e)
            int tenthRate = e.getTenthRate().getPennies();


The calculateWeeklyPay method reaches into the HourlyEmployee object to get data. So it envies the scope of HourlyEmployee. We want to eliminate feature envy because it exposes the internals of one class to another. Sometimes, however, it is a necessary evil.

Make logical dependencies physical

If one module depends on another, that dependency should be physical, not just logical.

Prefer polymorphism to if/else or switch/case

Most people use switch because it is the obvious brute force solution. The cases where functions are more volatile than types are rare.

"The one switch rule": There may be no more than one switch statement for a given type of selection. The cases in that swicth must create polymorphic objects that take the place of other switch statements in the rest of the system.

Avoid transitive navigation

In general, we do not want a single module to know much about its collaborators. More specifically, if A collaborates with B, and B collaborates with C, we do not want models that use A to know about C. We don't want a.getB().getC().doSomething().

This is called "The Law of Demeter" or "Writing shy code". Make sure that, modules know only about their immediate collaborators and not the navigation map of the whole system.


Obvious behaviour is unimplemented

Any function or class should implement the behaviours that another programmer reasonably expects.


"Do not repeat yourself.", "Once, and once only." Every time you see duplication in the code, it represents an opportunity for abstraction.

Dead code

Dead code is code that is not executed. You find it in an if else, in a try catch, switch case...


Of what use is a default constructor with no implementation? Clutter!

Artificial coupling

Artificial coupling is a coupling between modules that serves no direct purpose, It is a result of putting a variable, etc. in a temporarily convenient though inappropriate location.

Obscured intent

We want code to be as expressive as possible. As small and dense as code can be, it might also become impenetrable.

int m_otCalc()
        return thsWkd.thsVal();

Misplaced responsibility

E.g. where should the PI constant go? Math class? Trigonometry class? Circle class?

The principle of least surprise comes into play here, i.e., code should go where the using functions are declared.

Understand the algorithm

The best way to understand how a function works is by refactoring it.

Follow standard conventions

Encapsulate conditionals

Extract functions that explain the intent of the conditional.

    if(shouldBeDeleted(timer)); //Vs.
    if(timer.hasExpired() && !timer.isAlive());

Avoid negative conditionals

    if(shouldBeDeleted(timer)); //Vs.

Do not be arbitrary

Have a reason for the way you structure your code, and make sure that reason is communicated by the structure of the code.

Encapsulate boundary conditions

Boundary conditions are hard to keep track of. Put the processing for them in one place, we do not want to swarm the code of +1's and -1's.

    if(level + 1 < tags.length())
        parts(level + 1);
    } // Vs.
    int nextLevel = level + 1;
    if(nextLevel < tags.length())

Keep configurable data at high levels

If you have a constant that is known and expected at a high level of abstraction do not bury it in a low-level function. Expose it as an argument to that low-level function called from the higher-level function.

    public static void main (String[] args)
        Arguments arguments = parseCommandLine(args);
    class Arguments
            static string DEFAULT_PATH = ".";
            static string DEFAULT_ROOT = "FitnesseRoot";

The configuration constants reside at the highest level and are easy to change. They get passed down to the rest of the application.


Insufficient tests

Tests are insufficient so as long there are conditions that have been explored by the tests or calculations that have not been validated.

Use a coverage tool

Do not skip trivial tests

An ignored test is a question about an ambiguity

Test boundary conditions

Patterns of failure are revealing

Test coverage patterns can be revealing

Tests should be fast