- Laravel project based on Quickadmin Panel
- Laravel 8.x
- Php Version ^7.3|^8.0
- Default API Response Format
- Multiple Language Settings
- Sample Encrypt and Decrypt Function in middleware
- Log Viewer Github Pages
- Change the way the log is recorded
- Can Create new modules with the artisan command (Module Functions)
- Route format
- Api Doc Github Pages or you can use at the Postman API Doc
- Image API
- Will continue to update...
First, make sure install Laravel 8.* and, and Composer in your devices.
Second, copy .env.example file to .env and edit database credentials there.
and Run the following command:
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
Last, run the project with:
php artisan serve
and Open browser with http://localhost:8000/
Login inforamtion:
Email: admin@admin.com
Password: password
Why use this?
Answer: Quickly start a Laravel project. No need to set up cumbersome composer package at the beginning -
What is the Module Function?
Answer: Module Function is a create a module quickly. There is no need to create controllers, models and so on step by step. -
Any Contact?
Answer: You can email me. jianhuiwilliam80@gmail.com
php artisan create:module {module name}
When you type the command, you will get the following list:
- ModuleNameController
- ModuleNameApiController
- StoreModuleNameRequest
- UpdateModuleNameRequest
- Migartion File
- Models File
- Layout File include index, edit, show and create pages
In the Layout File, You can use the Ctrl+F and search Keyword "Name", you can change to the module name.
Laravel Project Modules
is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).