Facial recognition is a biometric alternative that measures unique characteristics of a humanface. Applications available today include flight check in, tagging friends and family members in photos, and “tailored” advertising.
Use a deep convolutional neural network to perform facial recognition using Keras.
ORL face database composed of 400 images of size 112 x 92. There are 40 people, 10 imagesper person. The images were taken at different times, lighting and facial expressions. The facesare in an upright position in frontal view, with a slight left-right rotation.
- Input the required libraries
- Load the dataset. Normalize every image.
- Split the dataset
- Transform the images to equal sizes to feed in CNN5. Build a CNN model that has 3 main layers: i. Convolutional Layer ii. Pooling Layer iii. Fully Connected Layer
- Train the model
- Plot the result
- Iterate the model until the accuracy is above 90%
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip list