- Now, It's support only English and Thai (Discord's language). If you use other languages please go to Settings > languages > English.
- This theme use font-family 'Poppins' for EN, and use 'Prompt' for TH (locale language). You can change font-family in config file.
- Default font-family not contains in this theme, you need to download manually (if you not plan to use new font).
- You not need to update theme.css file because it will update automatically in Real-time
but sometimes it's not auto-update because of discord's cached
USE RAW FILE > https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jirayu-ninl/T6i-Discord-Glass-Theme/master/t6i.glass.theme.css
- Open CMD & Type:
cd powercord/src/Powercord/themes && git clone https://github.com/Jirayu-ninl/T6i-Discord-Glass-Theme
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