Releases: JiuRanYa/IconEase
Releases · JiuRanYa/IconEase
✨ IconEase v1.2.0
IconEase v1.2.0
🌟 新特性
🌓 暗色模式支持
- 新增系统主题自动检测
- 添加暗色/浅色主题切换功能
- 主题设置持久化存储
- 优化暗色模式下的视觉体验
🖼️ 图片预览优化
- 修复图片预览遮罩层被其他元素遮挡的问题
- 优化预览模式下的图片尺寸和缩放比例
- 改进全屏预览体验
🔧 问题修复
UI 改进
- 优化主题切换按钮位置,移至设置菜单中
- 统一深浅色模式下的界面风格
- 改进模态框层级管理
- 优化图标预览的交互体验
📝 其他更新
- 更新文档,添加暗色模式相关说明
- 优化代码结构,提高可维护性
- 统一深浅色模式的样式变量
🔜 即将到来
- 导出本地配置文件功能
- 更多主题自定义选项
- 工作区主题独立配置
如果在使用过程中遇到任何问题,欢迎在 GitHub Issues 中反馈。
感谢使用 IconEase!
✨IconEase v1.1.0
IconEase v1.1.0
✨ New Features
🎯 Workspace Management
- Multiple workspace support for better project organization
- Complete data isolation between workspaces
- Workspace renaming and deletion capabilities
- Quick workspace switching functionality
🌐 Internationalization
- Added multi-language support
- Initial support for English and Chinese
- Easy language switching in settings
- Localized UI elements and messages
⚡ Performance Improvements
- Implemented virtual scrolling for enhanced performance with large icon sets
- Optimized memory usage for handling extensive collections
- Improved scrolling experience and responsiveness
- Enhanced SSD optimization for faster data access
🎨 UI Enhancements
- Redesigned workspace switcher interface
- Optimized header navigation layout
- Improved loading state visual feedback
- Refined modal animations
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed flickering issues when switching workspaces
- Resolved search input performance concerns
- Optimized modal transition animations
- Improved error handling for file operations
📝 Other Updates
- Enhanced error handling mechanism
- Optimized data storage structure
- Updated dependency packages
- Improved documentation
If you encounter any issues, please feel free to report them in GitHub Issues.
Thank you for using IconEase!
✨IconEase v1.0.1 Released!
🚀 New Features
- Category Management
- Added right-click menu for categories
- Added category deletion with confirmation dialog
- Added batch delete for category images
🔧 Improvements
- UI Enhancements
- Improved sidebar collapse animation
- Added tooltips for collapsed sidebar items
- Enhanced context menu styling
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fixed category count not updating after deletion
- Fixed z-index issues with context menus
- Fixed image deletion in favorite view
🔍 Technical Details
- Added confirmation dialogs for destructive actions
- Improved state management for categories
- Enhanced error handling for image operations
📝 Notes
- Please backup your data before updating
- This version requires a fresh install
🔜 Coming Soon
- Export/Import configuration
- Drag and drop category sorting
- Image batch operations
✨IconEase v1.0.0
IconEase 是一款现代化的图标管理桌面应用,专为设计师和开发者打造。这是我们的首个公开发布版本,带来了一系列核心功能。
✨ 主要特性
- 支持自定义分类并使用emoji作为分类图标
- 支持文件夹拖拽导入
- 支持批量导入
- 快速搜索和过滤
- 收藏夹系统
- 支持缩放和平移
- 支持键盘快捷键操作
- 支持鼠标滚轮缩放
- 简洁现代的界面设计
- 支持深色/浅色主题
- 虚拟滚动列表,支持大量图标流畅显示
- 支持文件夹批量导入
- 本地存储,保护隐私
- 支持导入/导出配置
- 支持批量删除
📥 下载
macOS 用户注意事项
sudo xattr -rd /Applications/
🐛 已知问题
- 暂不支持图标导出为其他格式
- 暂不支持跨设备同步
🔜 即将推出
- 图标格式转换
- 更多自定义选项
- 批量重命名
- 本地数据导出配置
🙏 反馈
如果您在使用过程中遇到任何问题或有任何建议,欢迎在 GitHub Issues 中反馈。
感谢您选择 IconEase!