Technology used is
- JavaScript
- Express Js
- Node Js
- Mango DB
- Python
Team Details
- Team Code : d93ea3325c
- Team Name : FindsetGo
- IsFresher : False
- Idea : This website helps you find a perfect sports buddy or partner near you. Any partner you need on the go. Basically it’s a new age tinder for socializing. It's as easy as walking, as interesting as shopping.
- Problem : As these days there's a lot of physical inactivity among the young adults, socializing is decreasing, introvert problems are increasing, in view of that, the website FindsetGo is made to help overcome these problems.
Whenever you need a partner to play sports with or to hang out with, this website helps you find one. You just have to sign-up through this website, fill up your location and interests and connect with people around you. Then you'll get a notification about the partner nearby you and all set! Your sports buddy is ready and now you both can hang out. The future scope of this website is that people will be comfortable in finding a partner in this new era of online meetings. The cost of development is quite low, as all the resources are free of cost. It helps us get to know people around us and socialize accordingly.