This repository contains the files associated with the most used configurations.
Dependencies | |||||
xorg | bspwm | sxhkd | tilix | lightdm | rofi |
pcmanfm | flameshot | brightnessctl | polybar | wget | lxappearance |
compton | pulseaudio | alsa-utils | firmware-realtek | firmware-atheros | i3lock-fancy |
- .config
- bspwm
- bspwmrc
- wallpaper.png
- sxhkd
- sxhkdrc
- polybar
- config
- scripts
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Install the dependencies
chmod +x ./install_dependencies.exe
sudo ./install_dependencies.exe
- Copy the configuration files
chmod +x ./
- Reboot
- quit bspwm
- super + alt + q
- restart bspwm
- super + alt + r
- restart sxhkd
- super + escape
- tilix terminal
- super + Return
- rofi
- super + r rofi
- google-chrome
- alt + b
- google-chrome --incognito
- super + alt + b
- pcmanfm
- alt + e
- i3lock-fancy
- super + x
- alt + w
- flameshot full
- flameshot gui
- super + Print
- flameshot full s 5000
- super + alt + Print
- brightness +1%
- XF86MonBrightnessUp
- brightness -1%
- XF86MonBrightnessDown
- volume +2%
- XF86AudioRaiseVolume
- volume -2%
- XF86AudioLowerVolume
- mute unmute
- XF86AudioMute
- volume 20%
- XF86AudioPrev
- play-pause
- XF86AudioPlay
- stop
- XF86AudioStop
- select desktop
- super + 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
- balance desktop
- super + b
- move/resize
- super + alt + {j,k,u,i}
- super + alt + shift + {j,k,u,i}
- move a floating window
- super + {Left,Down,Up,Right}
- focus the node in the given direction
- super + {_,shift + }{j,k,u,i}
- focus the last node/desktop
- alt + Tab
- set the window state
- super + {a,s,d,f}
- close app
- super + q
- setxkbmap us
- super + ctrl + 1
- setxkbmap es
- super + ctrl + 2