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JoanZapata edited this page Dec 19, 2014 · 2 revisions

First of all, AsyncService does not rely heavily upon reflection. It's an annotation processor, which generates code that will call your code directly at runtime, without reflection. The only bit of reflection is done to find and instantiate the injector for your class when you call inject().

// TODO schema

It generates a subclass of your AsyncService managing cache and threading for you, and an Injector for each class using @InjectService or @OnMessage, to avoid using reflection when you call AsyncService.inject().


  1. Learn the basics.
  2. How to [enhance your service](Enhance Service).
  3. Take advantage of [caching](Caching Patterns).
  4. How to [handle exceptions](Handle Exceptions).
  5. Want more? See what's [behind the scenes](Behind The Scenes).
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