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Random Trivia

Random Trivia is an interactive front-end site that provides the user with a fun trivia game that allows users to select a username and select trivia questions from 3 different categories, while keeping score of how many questions were answered correctly and incorectly and dispalying a final result at the end of a game.

The site will be useful by providing users with an interactive, entertaining and fun trivia game that is responsive to all their devices and allows them to actively engage with the data while keeping track of their results.

The site owner's goal is to provide a challenging, fun and entertaining quiz to their online users.

Responsive Layout


  • I made use of Balsamiq to create a wireframe concept for Random Trivia.
  • I found it challenging to conceptualize the complete design of the site, concerning how capable I am with Javascript and what I could accomplish within the given amount of time, therfore the main design of the page has changed as I progressed through the development towards a finished product.

Landing Page

  • I tried to design a simple yet effective landing page which efficiently and clearly describes the site's purpose, containg a button to trigger the intiation of the game.

Wireframe Landing Page

Username Entry

  • A simple and clean username entry after the user decides to initiate the game, with a button to confirm entry once the user has entered a username.

Wireframe Enter Username

Welcome Page

  • Initially I thought that I would add an additional welcome page after the user entered a username, but deicided against this in the final product as I believe that is was unnecessary and had no valuable purpose.
  • Instead in the final product I decided to create a function where the user has the option to confirm or edit their username after previewing it.

Wireframe Welcome Message

Question Display

  • I designed a simple question layout with a clear objective.

Wireframe Question

Answer Feedback

  • I also knew that I wanted some way of providing the user with feedback after selecting an answer, whether the user was correct or not.

Wireframe Answer Feeback

End of Quiz summary

  • At the end of the quiz I wanted the user to receive some form of feedback giving them a summary of their achievements.

Wireframe End of Game


Existing Features

  • The Landing Page

    • The landing page introduces the user to the game with a fun and eye catching logo which is displayed throughout the game and a short introductory text explaining the game's purpose.
    • The landing page also contains a button to initiate the game.

    Landing Page Screenshot

    • The "Let's get started" button highlights when hovered over for user feedback, as will all other buttons throughout the game.

    Start Button

  • The Username input Section

    • Once clicked, the "Let's get started" button triggers a function to provide the user with an text input and prompts the user to enter a username.

    Enter a Username

    • TOnce the user has entered a username, it can be confirmed by clicking the "Done" button on the screen.

    Username Enter

    • If the user does not enter a username then an alert will pop up on the screen informing the user that no username has been entered and a default username will be provided.

    NoUsername was provided

    • Once the "Done" button is clicked, it will trigger a function to provide the user a preview of their username and ask the user if they would like to confirm their username or re-enter a new one.
    • If the "Re-enter" button is clicked then the user will be taken back to the screen with the text input in order to re-enter a new username.
    • If the user clicks the "Confirm" button then the user will be taken to the select topic screen.

    Confirm or Re-enter Username

  • The Select Topic Section

    • Once the user is on the select topic screen, then the user has a choice of three topics to choose from by means of buttons provided, namely "Movies", "General Knowledge" or "Science".

    Choose Topic

  • The Display Question Section

    • Once the user has chosen a topic then the user will be displayed the first question from the selected topic of questons.
    • This section will display a question and provide the user with four possible answers.
    • This section also displays the user's username and indicates how many questions have been answered correctly or incorrectly.
    • There is a clearly marked button where the user can click in order to check their answer.

    Question Display

    • If the user selects the incorrect answer or no answer at all, then the game will respond with a message and inform the user of the correct answer.
    • The user is also provided a continue button in order to continue the game.

    Incorrect or No Answer

    • If the user selects the correct answer, the game will respond with a message to confirm this.
    • The user is also provided a continue button in order to continue the game.

    Correct Answer

    • Whether the answer was answered correctly or not, once the user clicks on the "Continue" button, the next question will be displayed while also incrementing the relevant score of either correct or incorrect answer's answered.

    Incremented Score

    • Once the game is done and all answers in that topic have been answered, the user will be displayed a thank you message, a result of how many questions were entered correctly and a option to start a new game.

    End of Game

    • If the user chooses to play a new game then the user will be taken back to the choose topic display, while retaining their username.

    Choose Topic

Features Left to Implement

  • Difficulty Selector

    • In future with the addition of more questions, one could provide the users with a difficulty selector after the user has chosen their topic.
  • Multiple Players

    • I would also think that a good future feature to add would be to give the user the ability to add other users to the game, track their idividual scores and have a player ranking at the end of the game.
  • Custom Questions

    • I would also suggest in future to give the user the functionality to be able to create their own quiz, by providing a field to input their own questions and answers.


  • I made extensive use of Chrome Developer Tools, the "debugger" keyword and the alert function while developing and testing Random Trivia, from inception to completion.
    • I got into the habit of using the alert function to test all event listeners and functions in order to see if they were behaving as I had intended.
    • If an issue was found, then I would place the "debugger" keyword in the script and make use of Chrome Developer Tools in order to track the entire process and find my logical error.
  • Found bug with the username input page, if the user pressed the enter key after using the text input, then the site would try and submit the form, which displayed a 501 Error code.
    • Resolved by adding an event listener to prevent the default event from triggering the form to post when the user presses the enter key.
  • Found bug with answer incrementation, the site would not display the final score increment.
    • Resolved by creating the correct answer, incorrect answer and end of game functions, in order to track the score and display a correct final score to the user ant the end of a game.
  • Sourced most common media breakpoint widths on and made the site responsive down to minimum width of 320 pixels.
    • Mobile devices: 320px — 480px
    • iPads, Tablets: 481px — 768px
    • Small screens, laptops: 769px — 1024px
    • Desktops, large screens: 1025px — 1200px
    • Extra large screens, TV: 1201px and more
  • Made use of Chrome developer tools for previewing and testing new designs for media queries as well as UX aspects.
  • I have tested all buttons on the game and they are all acting as intended.
  • I have done the best I can to test all possible scenarios throughout the game and catered to them accordingly.
  • My mentor Anthony has also assisted with the testing of the final product.

Validator Testing

Initial Validator Tests

  • Initial validator test for index.html results:

    • Passed without any concerns or errors
  • Initial validator test for style.css results:

    • Passed without any concerns or errors
  • Initial validator test for script.js results:

    • Found mulitple warnings.
      • Resolved all missing parenthesis on preventDefault functions.
      • Resolved 2 missing semi-colons.

Final Validator tests

  • Final validator test for index.html results:

    • Passed without any concerns or errors
  • Final validator test for style.css file results:

    • Passed without any concerns or errors
  • Final validator test for script.js file results:

    • Passed without any concerns or errors
  • All the pages of Random Trivia have passed their validator testing at the time of submission.

Unfixed Bugs

  • None that I am aware of.


  • Random trivia was deployed to GitHub pages, the steps were as follows:
    • While in the GitHub repository, select the settings tab.
    • Then select the Pages tab from the new menu to the left of the viewport.
    • From the source section drop down menu, select Main branch.
    • Once the main branch has been selected, the page will automatically refresh with a detailed ribbon display to indicate the successful deployment.

Here is the live link Random Trivia

Deployment Testing

  • Tested all buttons as well as responsivenes of Random Trivia on deployed site and all are working as intended.


  • First and foremost I would like to thank my mentor Anthony for his valuable input.
  • I also regularly make use of Code Institute's LMS to look up previous lesson in order to refresh my memory.
  • I also made regular use of and in order to remind me of how some standard HTML and CSS functions.


  • Commit comment conventions were taken from, I do not totally understand all the vernacular but tried my best to implement it as best I could.
  • Found out how to check if a radio button is selected in Javascript on
  • Science topic questions and correct answers taken from
  • General Knowledge topic questions and correct answers taken from
  • Movies topic questions and correct answers taken from


  • Font pairing taken from example seen on, after deciding to use the Fredoka One font as my headings' font.
  • Font icons sourced on


Milestone project 2 for assesment by Code Institute






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