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Adrian Preuß edited this page May 13, 2021 · 5 revisions

All values can changed on the ext/Shared/Config.lua file.

Default Configuration

MAX_NUMBER_OF_BOTS	= 32;	-- maximum bots that can be spawned
MAX_TRACE_NUMBERS	= 15;		-- maximum number of traces in one level

Config = {
	spawnInSameTeam = false,		-- Team the bots spawn in
	botWeapon = "Primary",			-- Select the weapon the bots use
	botKit = "RANDOM_KIT",			-- see BotKits
	botColor = "RANDOM_COLOR",		-- see BotColors

	botAimWorsening = 0.0,			-- make aim worse: for difficulty: 0 = no offset (hard), 1 or even greater = more sway (easy). Restart of level needed
	bulletDamageBot = 10,			-- damage of a bot with normal bullet
	bulletDamageBotSniper = 24,	 	-- damage of a bot with sniper bullet
	meleeDamageBot = 48,			-- damage of a bot with melee attack

	spawnOnLevelstart = true,		-- bots spawn on levelstart (if valid paths are available)
	onlySpawnBotsWithPlayers = true,-- Bots only spawn if at least one Player is on the server
	initNumberOfBots = 10,			-- bots on levelstart
	spawnDelayBots = 2.0,			-- time till bots respawn, if respawn enabled
	botTeam = TeamId.Team2,		 	-- default bot team (0 = neutral, 1 = US, 2 = RU) TeamId.Team2
	respawnWayBots = true,			-- bots on paths respawn if killed
	botNewLoadoutOnSpawn = true,	-- bots get a new kit and color, if they respawn
	maxAssaultBots = -1,			-- maximum number of Bots with Assault Kit
	maxEngineerBots = -1,			-- maximum number of Bots with Engineer Kit
	maxSupportBots = -1,			-- maximum number of Bots with Support Kit
	maxReconBots = -1,				-- maximum number of Bots with Recon Kit

	fovForShooting = 270,			-- Degrees of FOV of Bot
	shootBackIfHit = true,			-- bot shoots back, if hit
	maxRaycastDistance = 125,		-- meters bots start shooting at player
	distanceForDirectAttack = 3,	-- if a bot is that close he will attack, even if not in FOV
	meleeAttackIfClose = true,		-- bot attacks with melee if close
	attackWayBots = true,			-- bots on paths attack player
	meleeAttackCoolDown = 3.0,		-- the time a bot waits before attacking with melee again
	jumpWhileShooting = true,		-- bots jump over obstacles while shooting if needed
	jumpWhileMoving = true,			-- bots jump while moving. If false, only on obstacles!

	botFirstShotDelay = 0.2,		-- delay for first shot. If too small, there will be great spread in first cycle because its not kompensated jet.
	botMinTimeShootAtPlayer = 1.0,	-- the minimum time a bot shoots at one player
	botFireModeDuration = 5.0,		-- the minimum time a bot tries to shoot a player
	maximunYawPerSec = 720,			-- in Degree. Rotaion-Movement per second.
	targetDistanceWayPoint = 1.4,	-- distance the bots have to reach to continue with next Waypoint
	botFireDuration = 0.3,			-- the duration a bot fires (Assault / Engi)
	botFirePause = 0.3,			 	-- the duration a bot waits after fire (Assault / Engi)
	botFireDurationSupport = 2.0,	-- the duration a bot fires (Support)
	botFirePauseSupport = 0.6,		-- the duration a bot waits after fire (Support)
	botFireCycleRecon = 0.4,		-- the duration a bot fires (Recon)
	botFireCyclePistol = 0.4,		-- the duration of a FireCycle (Pistol)

	-- UI settings & language options
	disableUserInterface = false,	-- if true, the complete UI will be disabled
	disableChatCommands = true,	 	-- if true, no chat commands can be used
	traceUsageAllowed = true,		-- if false, no traces can be recorded, deleted or saved
	settingsPassword = "fun",		-- if nil, disable it. Otherwise use a String with your password
	language = nil, --"de_DE",		-- de_DE as sample (default is english, when language file doesnt exists)

--don't change these values unless you know what you do
StaticConfig = {
	traceDelta = 0.2,				-- update intervall of trace
	traceDeltaShooting = 0.4,		-- update intervall of trace back to path the bots left for shooting
	raycastInterval = 0.1,			-- update intervall of client raycasts
	botUpdateCycle = 0.1,			-- update-intervall of bots
	botAimUpdateCycle = 0.05,		-- = 3 frames at 60 Hz
	botBulletSpeed = 600,			-- speed a bullet travels ingame (aproximately)
	targetHeightDistanceWayPoint = 2-- distance the bots have to reach in height to continue with next Waypoint


We automatically migrate your settings!

Whether you are currently making changes to Config.lua or in the Bot-Editor, the latest changes are always applied.

Setup & Configuration

Installation & Upgrading
Traces & Pathfinding


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